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Évaluations récentes de Fahlma

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509.7 h en tout (165.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I bought this game back when it first came out, hit level 35 (or whatever the level cap was then), and took about a year or so long break. I told myself I'd be back when they added multiplayer and increased the level cap, and well.. here I am, working on a Stormcaller and an Albrecht's Aether Ray build, and loving every second of it (the AAR grind is killing me softly).

In a lot of ways, it reminds me of Diablo 2, but I find the system they've implemented for character skills (being able to combine two character classes, and the importance of understanding how to proc abilities) differs greatly and actually makes the game more interesting. It also ups the replayability with all the different combinations, which is a plus in my books.

The only critique I can give is that unless you go looking for and read every single note, you'll probably end up missing out on some aspects of the story or the history of Cairn itself. If they'd expanded on some things - be it in conversations with NPCs or maybe even adding cutscenes similar to the opening one - it would have made following the story not only easier, but more enjoyable in my opinion.

Évaluation publiée le 10 mai 2016. Dernière modification le 10 mai 2016.
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