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Proto Sniper 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 7.4시간 (평가 당시 4.7시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Nether is a great game in my opinion but does need some improvement. I enjoy the safezone and crafting mechanics, but the weapons are unbalanced. I use the term unbalanced because level 1 players cannot get weapons, as players with guns will kill them mercelessly. I feel new players should have a pistol to start with, so they can have a chance to get better weapons. Overall, the game is very fun and terrifying at the same time. The new tribe feature that is being added will help the problem of new players being killed. I hope the game is improving, because it is still early access and anything could be changed or added.
2014년 2월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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