Alex   Canada
typical bleet behaviour
Grobar júl. 12., 9:15 
AWP superstar
:3 ápr. 18., 22:40 
+rep wall of reps and this homie gave me hatch so i had to :er_heart:
Steve Team 6 febr. 12., 14:08 
+Rep Wholesome killer and played really well. Honorable!
NOD 4 BOOTY jan. 12., 1:02 
+rep wholesome cutie survivor that got tunneled by a no skill tunneling trapper with 4k hours and they still had a good attitude. ILY<3
Twinkmilk jan. 2., 1:01 
+rep Jesse we need to have sex right now, no jesse you dont understand, gus he he
Vinsanity79 2023. dec. 26., 11:36 
+rep Yo