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Análises recentes de toastie

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12.3 hrs em registo (4.9 horas no momento da análise)
I got my hands on this game when it came out in 2009 and it hasn't changed since. It's perfection to me and a revolutionary game of my childhood (and music taste!). It's worth the 5 bucks for a game that's simple, straightforward, and just fun.
Publicado a 15 de Fevereiro.
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253.3 hrs em registo (60.8 horas no momento da análise)
I love Jeff.

All jokes aside, this is one of the best games I've played in a LONG time. I haven't been this excited to play an FPS game since playing only TF2. The shop has affordable skin bundles that are WORTH grinding for, the battlepass should be the new norm for games who utilize it, and the games are NOT frustrating to play. Very rarely are there one or two games where I'm tilted, but it never lasts because every hero is unique.

There's no forced metas to have fun, each hero can play on their own and has their own strengths, and you can literally play a game w/ 3 duelists & 3 strategists and win. You can HAVE FUN, even if the games are very rarely annoying. Playing strategist doesn't feel like a headache, and the names of the roles actually fit to the style of the heroes that occupy it.

Everything here had a lot of thought and work put into it and the devs should be very proud of what they put together for a community of old and new fans of Marvel. This has unironically brought back my love for Marvel as a kid and has ignited a new love for other characters being introduced to me. Unironically would highly recommend for people wanting a new hero shooter that is not too difficult to learn but has a decent learning curve. Once you master a hero, that can be utilized into other heroes and you can have fun with it.

tl;dr fun game, heroes are crazy strong but everybody's crazy strong. also worth your money because this game respects your time
Publicado a 10 de Dezembro de 2024. Última alteração: 11 de Janeiro.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
59.5 hrs em registo (37.1 horas no momento da análise)
this game makes me feel like i'm the Devil incarnated. i love making everything explode
Publicado a 30 de Novembro de 2024.
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18 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2.7 hrs em registo (2.0 horas no momento da análise)
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Personally, it's got some really cool concepts. I love the meshing of both SCP & Backrooms being inspirations for this game. HOWEVER, I have some problems that I hope will be covered once the game has an official full release:
- Optimization. I have an RTX 4070 w/ a 165 Hz monitor and 32 GB of RAM. I should not be struggling to play this game on 90 FPS on medium graphics or with Depth of Field eating up my frames
- The use of AI in the Chewtopia VHS & artwork in the Arcade. Please hire an actual team of artists for this. It adds to the creep factor, sure, but I'm not a big fan of this being in the game just because it's an early access game and I see HUGE potential for it being fun to try out
- Workshop. Custom modes with unique levels made by players in the community would open up so many opportunities for this game to be replayable. Especially with adding unique creatures that players could make for the game itself in the workshop.

Other than that, 7/10 overall for the game, but please do optimize this soon so it can run easier, especially for lower-end PCs.
Publicado a 15 de Novembro de 2024.
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32.5 hrs em registo
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I wouldn't recommend this in solo play, but with a friend makes it much more fun. The previous levels were enjoyable, but a lot of the puzzles and pathing of levels for the game still need work. I don't know if there's any play-testing, but I would gladly offer some time to help test out stuff for this game because it needs some optimization and serious feedback. One of the minor inconveniences is the bind for crawl does not show up in the key mapping for controls, which hasn't been added ... somehow.

I like the new puzzles in the first level. I think it's very simple and very straightforward, but having to go back into the jail cells to get all of the keycards over and over is very tedious. My friend and I spent about an hour or two finishing the first level but we haven't gotten far to test out all the levels. Still, I wouldn't recommend this to put a lot of time into, but there's potential for this game. It just needs more work and definitely needs some way to guide the player better into knowing what to do for puzzles, like captions to hint to certain objectives to escape & reactions to new items being picked up.

6.5/10, it can be better and THERE IS a possibility for this to be a lot of fun. However, you guys definitely need to get some kind of play-testing involved to improve the game.
Publicado a 11 de Novembro de 2024.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
26.9 hrs em registo (20.2 horas no momento da análise)
i'm now emotionally attached to a 34 year old divorced Catholic priest
Publicado a 23 de Setembro de 2024.
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9 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
100.8 hrs em registo (54.9 horas no momento da análise)
sex update real, NOT clickbait. i got to witness a goat and sheep have tentacle sex multiple times. easily one of the games of all time
Publicado a 23 de Agosto de 2024.
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1.0 hrs em registo
tfw postal dude and random text-to-speech woman suddenly break into the twist mid conversation. 10/10 would twist again
Publicado a 30 de Junho de 2024.
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5 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
6.8 hrs em registo (3.5 horas no momento da análise)
unironically one of the coolest horror games i got to play. i can tell from a lot of the scenery that there was so much inspiration from different horror games and the voice acting is good! the puzzles were a lot of fun to solve. solid 8.5 out of 10, would work for the CIA to solve a Victorian murder mystery during the Red Scare again
Publicado a 8 de Junho de 2024.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
24.4 hrs em registo (3.2 horas no momento da análise)
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Instead of going directly to Human Resources, the Company takes care of your internal issues personally with one easy solution! 10/10, would enjoy a cold, air-less vacation.
Publicado a 24 de Novembro de 2023.
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