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Análises recentes de Ethylcarbamat

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Great game. Normally, I'd avoid early access games, but I made an exception as I grinded The Binding of Isaac:Rebirth really hard and this game seems similar enough to try it.

Compared to TBoI, it feels a bit harder and the Pilfers are somewhat annoying (but also really cute).
It also feels like it requires more grinding, as you keep parts of the gold when you die. Most relicts are pretty underwhelming and I'm missing a bit of the fun of "broken synergies" from Isaac (or synergies in general - only great one I've found was the gold popcorn with other gold-changing relicts).
Another thing I'm also missing is a bit of optical feedback for most stuff.

I can't estimate how far I am in the game, but from the preview images, I'd guess I'm far from at the end (just killed Selt). The game itself feels really smooth and does not feel like it's "just released and only early access".

I'm curious about what will come in the future and really recommend this game :)
Publicada em 29 de agosto de 2019. Última edição em 29 de agosto de 2019.
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28.0 horas registradas
This game is awesome. Really relaxing music and interesting and challenging quests. And after completing the story, you can play god and spawn stuff and change the parameters of the universe. Even after earning all achievements, this game still provides a few relaxing minutes.
Publicada em 2 de julho de 2019.
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35.6 horas registradas (35.3 horas no momento da análise)
A very good game if you like to listen to music. Thanks to the workshop, it can be played in so many ways that it should never get boring.

One bad thing was the late integration of achievements, because they (logically) are not credited afterwards.
But if you plan to buy this game, that won't be a problem.

It also helps discovering a bit of music, as there are a few songs that you can play daily for free.

In my opinion, this game is worth its money.
Publicada em 7 de abril de 2016.
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18 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
6,846.6 horas registradas (523.1 horas no momento da análise)
tl;dr: Played it a few seconds, can recommend it!

I like this game. Im playing it since 2010 or 2011, reached level 222 a few days ago (GER server 11). Even while it contains a pay2win-part, it is not imbalanced. You can aquire the same items that anyone who buys mushrooms will aquire, only the amount of quests changes and some speedups is achieved.
Mushrooms can be found occasionally while questing (the slower the mount, the higher the chance!). The only thing that can not be done by this is spending them in the guild, but I think this is pretty balanced.

The native client is a bless. While flash got pretty laggy when the client was open a few days (I think there may be a small memory leak), it now runs totally smooth. Also it allows tracking the play time, which sometimes makes me a bit depressed...

I'd recommend this game. It is a nice clicking-MMO to have open while working on something, for the occasional relaxing few mouseclicks.
Publicada em 28 de fevereiro de 2016. Última edição em 25 de março de 2016.
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0.4 horas registradas (0.4 horas no momento da análise)
This game is not really interesting. You can kindof smash the keys and there is no noteworthy progress. Also, it won't detect every keypress which makes it harder in a unfair way.

I don't even know why I have this game, but I would not recommend it. The last update news on the Game page are half a year old, so it also looks somewhat left behind!
Publicada em 20 de fevereiro de 2016.
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