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Tercatat 185.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 170.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
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Nice if you like to play with lag
Diposting pada 23 November 2023.
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Tercatat 623.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 12.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Nice game
Diposting pada 27 November 2020.
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Tercatat 2,853.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 1,746.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Note 1: I hope i will change again this review in a better one, as soon as the devs fix the mess they did.
Note 2: I have played the game both in the new and in the old version, so i am aware of what i am talking about

The update totally destroyed the game, changing the core mechanism and all its basic features. The developers had an unique game with unique mechanics with unlimited potential and they decided to copy [in a very bad way] other games such as Fortnite or Apex Legends.
At the actual stage, I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE playing this game anymore.

If you like anything that makes Ark what it is... A crafting, taming dino's, leveling up, SKILL BASED BR, then run far far away from this.

- Updated anti-cheat
- Updated map and dinosaur
- Random ring and beginning drop which unlock a very big potential
- Take-over dinosaur mechanic for dead players [but imo should work only if a person of your team is still alive, dino shouldnt count as an alive player]
- The ability to ping places on the map

CONS [Basically everything else, but ill try to point out the bigger ones imo]:
- Continuous crash, its hardly playable [it happens for a lot of players, it's not just me and my girlfriend who have "bad pc"]
- The gamemode doesn't require any skill, it is just a point and click, sitting on dinosaurs. It basically is a game for phones.
- Dinos are too unbalanced
- Players without dinosaurs have no chance to win a match [you literaly are 2 hit and dead]
- The UI is too messy, there is definetly too much on screen [LoL and Dota have less stuff on screen]
- There is no more crafting and inventory management, now everything is random and totally based on RNG, if you find good dinos/drops, then you have a chance, else no matter how skilled you are, the first random kid will kill you without minimum effort


Just the best game ever <3
Diposting pada 29 Juni 2019. Terakhir diedit pada 24 Desember 2022.
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