
Eppie 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 11-20 項,共 66 項
總時數 2.5 小時
This is a puzzle game in a different style. You are a monster and have to kill all the archaeologists by eating them or kill them with rocks. Most levels are pretty easy to figure out, some are a little bit more challenging. Took me about 2,5 hours to finish the game.

I wouldn't pay full price for it, picked it up in a bundle, when it is with more than 80% discount it's worth it.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 19 日。
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總時數 7.9 小時
This is a decent hidden object, adventure game. Although it is almost 10 years old and unfortunatly no longer available to buy on steam. I do recommend playing this game if you have it in your library, or buy it for a few € IF it ever comes back.

I found this third game easier than the other two. Some of the same puzzles, but also some new puzzles, but they felt more easy. The addition to the collectables was kind of a nice touch.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 18 日。
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總時數 2.9 小時
This is a decent hidden object, adventure game. Although it is more then 10 years old and unfortunatly no longer available to buy on steam. I do recommend playing this game if you have it in your library, or buy it for a few € IF it ever comes back.

I think this second part of the game is better than the first. Some of the same puzzles, but also enough new things to discover. Only negative is that for the achievements you have to play the game twice, ones with hidden objects and a second time for the mayjong games.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 13 日。
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總時數 9.3 小時
This is a decent hidden object, adventure game. Although it is more then 10 years old and unfortunatly no longer available to buy on steam. I do recommend playing this game if you have it in your library, or buy it for a few € IF it ever comes back.

The cutscenes might need some updates if AM ever decide to bring it back to Steam. Achievement for completing the game on expert has some issues. Played it twice on expert, didn't got the achievement.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 12 日。
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總時數 29.4 小時
This game is a simple card game, where you have to select two of the same numbers (or Jacks, Queens etc.) to clear the board. If you collect the golden cards (4/7 each level) you get a full score. The game contains 120 levels, both in two different game modes; tourist and traveller.

In tourist mode you can just play a level, select another level and come back later to get full scores. It's a relaxing way of playing the game. In traveller mode you can only select the first level and the level you are at at that moment. Which requires full scores each level before continuing or else you would need to go back to the first level again to play everything over.

The most annoying part I found, is that the levels are completely random, which means you can get a board which can't be finished, which is fine. However when you're in traveller mode and you have to start a level over for 30 times it might get frustrating. Beside it can cost you a long time before finally finish the level, which makes it not a casual game to start up for a quick game of 10 minutes. Which I think this type of game should aim for.

The bonusses (mulligan, shuffle and joker) are for the most part useless. While mulligan is broken if you go back a step when you used a joker. The shuffle bonus gives you another random game for example: If you have two fives in the deck and one 7 on the board... you probably end up after the shuffle with a King, 4 and 8. Which makes this just a lucky option, most times won't help you. The shuffle option is only usefull at the end of a decent carddeck, so you can go through it again. Only the joker can be usefull for the last cards to clear the board.

Achievements are fine, however the 'earn X coins' means OWN that amount of coins. When you spend too much coins for some jokers, you might never reach the 1000000 coins without you need to keep playing after you finished all the levels. Lucky I figured that out in time.

Overall it isn't a bad game, but it can get frustrating because of the randomness. For some reason I kept playing the game, because I wanted to finish it, which took me about 29 hours in total, which isn't a terrible for the normal price of €3. I got this game with a 60% discount, which I would recommend it for.

It isn't the best, but good enough for the low price.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 10 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 12 月 10 日。
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總時數 31.9 小時
The last NFS game I played was 'Most Wanted', back in 2005. After that I never played a NFS game again. When the autumn sale came along I decided to pick up this title, because I missed the good old time I had with Most Wanted. The game itself is a good NFS game in that arcade style. However I really miss the open world that other titles had and even have and the cops pursuits after a race to shake them off...

The only negative thing I encountered during playing, that I completed all cop events and only was level 16, for racer it was better balanced in my opinion. I had to race some events multiple times to farm up the XP to reach level 20 eventually.

All the achievements can be completed in about 31 hours. The online events are okay, it's necessary to have some friends with this game if you want to complete all achievements.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 4 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 0.0 小時
Another DLC which adds some more content to the original game. In Serena her search to get home she comes across an old friend, which she tells some stories of the past.

The three stories from the past have the same quality as the original game, although are less intense than the other stories. After she tells a story someone can bring here home, which provides an additional ending to the game.

The DLC is okay. I do recommend it if you enjoyed the original game. I do think the price is a bit too high for the content you get, so get it with discount.
張貼於 2023 年 7 月 16 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 7 月 16 日。
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總時數 0.0 小時
This DLC adds a sci fi story to the base game where Serena gets abducted by aliens. It's a bold choice for a first addition to the game.

She is being experimented on, which adds some wild scenes to the game. If you liked the original game this is a decent add on.
張貼於 2023 年 7 月 16 日。
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總時數 0.0 小時
If you enjoyed the base game, you will certainly enjoy the Bigfoot expansion. This DLC adds three more hospitals to Two Point Hospital with 3 new treatment rooms, 9 new visual illnesses and 34 non-visual illnesses.

It has a new winter theme, inclusing christmas items. The new levels add some variety, but don't expect something different than the base game. It's more of the same.

You should have finished the base game before starting this, or at least have reached level 12 in the base game.

I would recommend it on sale, even the normal price (€8,99) is fine, but there are too much DLC's for this game. So my suggestion is that you wait for a 50% discount at least.
張貼於 2023 年 1 月 17 日。
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總時數 2.8 小時 (評論時已進行 1.8 小時)
This adult visual novel is short and can be finished within 2 hours easily. Although the idea of the story is interesting, it has some flaws.

The story is predictable and unfortunatly not much interaction as a player how to progress. The quality of the renders are good, the 'adult' scenes are good, however the overal graphics are average at best.
The roadmap makes it fortunatly possible to skip through the story discovering a different path without have to start from the beginning every time.

That said, the developers do care about the community. In early reviews there where complains about no audio. That has been added later, including a new achievement 'Silence!'.

The game contains some non-consensual situations, if you don't want that, I suggest to not buy this game at all. If you do want to buy this AVN, I would recommend it only at discounted price.
張貼於 2023 年 1 月 8 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 1 月 8 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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目前顯示第 11-20 項,共 66 項