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Recent reviews by 8 Bit Ronin

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1 person found this review helpful
262.2 hrs on record (254.9 hrs at review time)
Stop supporting ♥♥♥♥♥♥ CCP founded games. They rig the matchmaking to feel like cancer and position no role queue so that people get stuck playing a role they do not want to play just to make match fixing easier.

-At it's base, the game can be fun.

-Characters are depicted for their comics and not the MCU. Something that is rare these days.

-Game is made by NetEase, which is in bed with CCP, no idea if they're sharing user data with chinese government, but it would not shock me.

-Game is peer to peer, or at least partially so. This causes you to connect to another player's client, meaning even with selecting a correct region your packet loss fould be high.

-Matches are fixed. No doubt. NetEase is one of the biggest spenders and in making their games addictive, not fun. They've released research papers discussing tilting the match to one team causes people to play repeated matches. So the games will rig matches for you to go on losing streaks to make your climb slower and position you to put more time into the game to climb, increasing game time by padding the numbers.

-There have been issues with an exploit that allows players to be vulderable to DDoS attacks due to the peer to peer system. (You may experience this, or not, but it's been a thing for a while. To me, playing a game is not worth getting digitally attacked).

-Monetization is very predatory, plays heavily on a season pass that will not tell you you cannot unlock the entire free track without paying for the pass, as you cannot spend enough tokens to gain the next tier without buying the premium. Those items are not marked as "Luxury" meaning you could theoretically buy it without paying, if you could spend enough tokens.

-Events are boring and have skins tied behind them. There have been 4 so far and the first thing I see when playing those modes in chat is "finally done so I can stop playing this stupid mode".

-Does not support ultrawide features on monitor. This is a low bar these days, as I have many indi games that support 32x9 aspect ratios. You're telling me NetEase can't do this with a main title? It shows they don't value the production of their game, they'll just milk money out of it, until it's the next Overwatch.

-Game is unoriginal with mechanics. Most characters are 1 for 1 counterparts of characters from Overwatch, with little to no originality in abilities.

-Cheaters are rampant, like in most games. LP is not given back to players if they lose to cheaters, only if the cheater is banned / detected during the match. I don't see why they shouldn't refund LP for losses to cheaters when someone gets caught hacking and banned later for the offense.

-No separation for solo queues over full premades. Be prepared to lose matches queuing into a full stacked team.

-Community is excessively toxic and smurfing (playing an alt to easily climb ranks by playing against people who can't play at the same level). This makes the game excessively horrible to new players. NetEase has made public statements they have no intention of banning smurfs; Most other games choose to ban accounts if you're caught doing this, the fact rivals does not, shows how little they care about balance. This will over time kill player retention, as most new players do not wish to be forced to fight in disparaging matches like this.

Final notes: In my climb to Grandmaster in ranked, I noticed some players in my team play like demons, while others are running into walls or jumping off a cliff. Others int after not getting their preferred role. If matchmaking was balanced correctly, the gap wouldn't be so large in skill level, at almost all ranks. In gold, I've had players that would slaughter players in grandmaster. I've also seen Grandmasters that would lose to silvers, if placed in that bracket again. If you want to know more about EOMM and why it ruins competative games, a quick google search will tell what you need to know about it, and why gamers can't stand it.
Posted 22 February.
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274.0 hrs on record (128.8 hrs at review time)
Game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if you're looking for PvP, no gear balancing and you can end up fighting a premade in arena as a solo queue
Posted 31 October, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
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28.0 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Game looks like fun but the devs do not allow for low sensitivity past default. Makes game unplayable for me, as sensitivity is way to high. If this is changed I will change my Rating. This may seem like a minor issue to some, but this is basic control UI and it ruins my experience in the game.
Posted 13 September, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
3,346.9 hrs on record (2,452.1 hrs at review time)
Great game ruined by the decisions made by The publisher / developer. Destiny 2 syndrome. I would not recommend new players to play unless they don't care about supporting a company that doesn't care about it's player base. and if you want to pick this game up in it's current state, You will have to spend to catch up to current player base.
Posted 12 March, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
68.6 hrs on record (68.6 hrs at review time)
This game could be amazing. The developers on the other hand have killed anything I could have loved in outriders. Between one of the worst launches I had the misfortune of suffering through, and the inventory wipes and continuous bugs that the developer claim to fix in patch notes, but still persist after updating. This game in it's current state isn't worth $20 let alone the $60 they ask for. The story is decent, and the game play (when it works) is fun, but the constant crashes and incorrectly working mods for the weapons makes it impossible for me to recommend to anyone one else. Save your money and buy 3 other games that bring more hours of enjoyment. @PeopleCanFly don't ask AAA prices if you can't deliver.
Posted 2 May, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
Do not download... Game is terrible, even for a free to play. Guns are inbalanced and guns are locked behind classes(which adds a paywall depending on what you want to use), registry is cancer. I could go on, if there is one positive I can say about this game it's that the game is small and uninstals quickly / easily. Want a shooter to play? go play something else. Litterally any other shooter will be better.
Posted 19 January, 2018.
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193 people found this review helpful
13 people found this review funny
560.0 hrs on record (114.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It took me a while to write this review as I was on the fence on whether I could recommend this game to a friend, or not. I eventually came to the realization that I cannot recommend this to a friend in it's current state. I really enjoy this game personally, but due to certain issues which arise in competitive game play that this game does nothing to address I cannot in good faith recommend anyone pick this game up, when the competition this game has (other titles) address these issues.

Black squad is a free to play competitive tactical shooter developed in Korea with the goal of not offering an edge to those who chose to support the game with money. Everything aside from cosmetic items can be earned inside the game with enough playtime. This, black squad does well, and I have no complaints with as they've done a good job in doing so. Nothing is too unbalanced, and the devs change guns as needed to keep this balance.

The main con this game has going for it, is the same con that most free to play shooters have. They allow access to players not included in their region allowing an unfair advantage to those playing outside the server area, and they have a poor anti cheat system in place. These seem like small complaints, but when the game markets itself as a competitive tactical shooter those two aspects need focused more than the next weapon or map being added. On any given day during morning time in NA, 250 is the average ping of the people playing on NA servers: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1117520323

Their also also quite a few cheats floating around for the game, that have been here since launch. I'm not here to point any fingers, but those who are blatant stay active within the game with no seen repercussions. The worst part about this is no in game offered support to report said players. We all know cheats are a thing when it comes to any game, but at least give us the option to tell the devs which players are suspicious, so action can be taken against those players instead of having to fight them multiple times through matches throughout game.

I know the game is still in early access, but if the devs implement changes to these regards I will update my review accordingly. The game has potential, but is in a pretty bad state at the moment. IF these issue don't get addressed soon, I don't forsee a future for this title. I can't honestly say I want to invest too much time into a game that might not exist in 6 months. Most of the time, what keeps this style of games alive is the community. With the state the game is in now, there isn't much of a community.

Game play is awesome, but is suppressed by the issues that community makes clear that development doesn't address. Without serious changes I cannot recommend this game with other titles like Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2, Rainbow 6, Dirty Bomb and Blacklight Retribution exist.
Posted 22 August, 2017.
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11 people found this review helpful
12.4 hrs on record
Was a decent game when it first launched. Now it's full of people who expect maxed character or purchased "DLC" which is just a freemium shop. Considerring this game retailed with a purchase and keep model, having non-cosmetic purchases to a game is BS.

Then, because they still wern't seeing the profit returns they wanted they gave a free copy to 5 million players. I doubt there will even be 5 million downloads, so to me it was just a way to take the money of the people who were interested enough to purchase a retail copy, then once they knew everyone who wanted the game bought it they made the game free to play so they can justify milking people through cash shop purchases marked as DLC. Now the people who made the initial purchase on a game marketed for retail get left out on any kind of reimbursment or compensation for purchasing the game when they clearly decided to make it f2p after retail wasn't selling. They had potential to make this a good game for those who enjoyed the style / genre and they gutted the game.

These are the kind of developers that are a cancer to the Video Game market currently. If every game was run the way these developers run their game, the video game market will crash again. Honestly hope this bankrupts Overkill Software so they don't spread their cancer within other developers any further.
Posted 11 June, 2017.
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686.3 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
Amzing game, Definately worth the purchase.
Posted 10 January, 2015.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries