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发布于:2023 年 3 月 31 日 下午 1:22
更新于:2023 年 11 月 25 日 上午 7:38

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A slice of heaven

Indie games come in many shapes and sizes, but many are made with the idea of being a modern take or spiritual successor on a classic game. Both Shovel Knight and Hollow Knight, for example, are modern takes on Mega Man and Metroid respectively. Pizza Tower, a successor to Wario Land 4 in particular is no different. I have not played the game it takes from, but I can still say with a great deal of confidence that this grease-covered gem has charged its way straight into the upper echelon of this niche, an echelon that arguably surpasses its inspiration.


Visually, this game is an assault on the eyes in the best way possible. It's sort of like Cruelty Squad in the sense that some of the initial learning curve is just processing what you see on the screen. However, I don't think Pizza Tower has an ugly visual style, rather it's just chaotic and messy - again, in the best way possible. The art style is best described as 90's Nickelodeon cartoons like Ren & Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life in a MS Paint format. I adore the aesthetic, and think they captured that surreal, geometric look perfectly with this game, and it fits the unabashedly and comically insane feel this game goes for.

In addition, the animations in this game are astonishingly good. Everything is incredibly fluid and expressive. There's so many blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments, for example seeing the basic enemies become startled and wide-eyed at the sight of an anxious Italian man surpassing Usain Bolt's top speed charging right at them.

Is it a Pillar John of art style and animation in games? Probably not, but this is a pie that knows a thing or two about presentation, and it does that point very well.


This being a platformer, nailing the movement is key, and anxious greaseball Peppino controls remarkably well. For as overwhelming as this game can be, Peppino's moveset is both varied and tight. It takes some time to understand how to control peak Italian athleticism, but it feels immensely satisfying to master. Going fast is fun, and far more engaging than the high speeds of Sonic's preferences for autopilot. While you certainly will accidentally launch Peppino into a wall and kill your momentum at least twice per level, the game revels in its chaos. Like many a fast food joint, Pizza Tower does not demand perfection, it demands efficiency. Getting the highly-desired P rank isn't obtained by making zero mistakes, it's done by embracing the breakneck rhythm the game sets its tempo at and finding the most efficient routes possible to maintain your combos. As an authentic meatbag that can't keep up with some of the robotic reaction times of some players, it's refreshing to play something that embraces the odd mistake if you can quickly get back into the fray.

While combat is rarely a priority, the bosses are a highlight. They test your skills in unique and interesting ways, and despite their challenge, were consistently fair in their mechanics and expectations. The final boss, in particular, was incredibly fun to fight and one of my favorite final bosses of recent memory.

The level design is also a major highlight, and lends itself well to the "efficiency over perfection" approach. The core idea remains the same: Grab the Toppins, destroy Pillar John, get out quickly. However, each level has a very distinct identity, both visually and mechanically, and provides unique power ups befitting the thematic identity of the level. These are usually nice breaks in the gameplay, and they generally adhere to the core idea of moving fast. However, a few of the gimmicks did feel rather undercooked in their uses or how they controlled. It's not a significant issue, but for how polished the rest of the core gameplay feels, I did find it noticeable enough to leave a slightly underwhelmed taste.

I think another point Pizza Tower can struggle with is in its difficulty. It's not too hard, just erratic in its expectations from level to level. I found a handful in the earlier stages of the game were more difficult than most of the later levels, even after I returned to them near the end with a greater familiarity of the mechanics and the level layouts. The game frontloads everything into its initial tutorial, which is fitting, but I still wish it did a better job of gradually introducing those mechanics. I can see this point being a turn-off for some players, which is unfortunate because I think the game's level design only gets better as you progress.

However, the game largely excels in what it sets out to do. It's fast, it's tight, and it's fair. Does it play better than Wario Land 4? Frankly, I have no idea, but I can tell you it's probably the best Sonic game I've ever played.


I don't think the story is worth considering in the rating of this game. Pizza Tower is a gameplay-focused experience that draws you in with its aesthetics, and it knows that. As such, the story is in the backseat and there isn't really much to talk about, other than it being present.


While your taste buds may not get the satisfaction they're looking for when playing this game, your eardrums certainly will. I think the sound effects perfectly fit the cartoon aesthetic. I'm especially fond of the taunt sound effect, both as a parry and on its own. The former has a "pow" effect that makes parrying feel satisfying, while the horn sound that plays in both makes it thoroughly enjoyable to spam.

The music, however, is the real star of the show here. It's playful, upbeat, and catchy, but there's also a remarkable amount of depth here. For example, the secret levels have a groovy, percussive backtrack that sets the surreal tone of the level, but each secret level has a different melody corresponding with the original level you found the secret in, which blew my leitmotif-loving mind. "It's Pizza Time" is the best track, as it perfectly encapsulates the panic of having to escape from a level, and the final boss theme is also a treat, not mentioning the Waters of Nazareth-esque track from a late-game level.

Content Value

Pizza Tower takes somewhere around 6 hours to finish for a regular playthrough. However, levels are highly replayable and filled to the brim with secrets and hidden routes. While I did not go out of my way to P-Rank every level, it's definitely an appealing challenge that can easily inflate your playtime. While the game itself is pretty short, there's lots of side content and replay value to warrant the price tag.


This game and Wario Land 4 go together like pineapples on pizza. Some people will look at this strange creation and find it repulsive, but the garlic-scented freaks like myself that give it a taste will have their senses enlightened by a chaotic barrage of exciting flavors and mechanics. You do not need an attachment to this game's inspiration to appreciate it for the absolutely stellar title that it is, so I highly recommend smelling the garlic and giving this eccentric gem a shot because of that. Even with its impressive polish, Pizza Tower isn't quite the perfect pie for me, but don't let its minor shortcomings deter you, it's still remarkably close. Just remember, if you hurt Peppino too much, you can go to hell.

Graphics - 4/5
Gameplay - 5/5
Story - N/A
Audio - 5/5
Content Value - 4/5



+ Excellent level design
+ Tight & satisfying mechanics
+ Great soundtrack
+ Fun boss fights
+ Fluid & expressive animations

- Level gimmicks are hit & miss
- Inconsistent difficulty progression
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5 条留言
thatonedude 2023 年 5 月 13 日 下午 2:50 
he only played for 9 hours :/
boomerbalboa09 2023 年 4 月 30 日 下午 5:02 
You wrote an entire essay on a game about a funny chef man killing pizza ingredeints and weridos
ze florida boy from germany 2023 年 4 月 30 日 下午 4:11 
you either live in the keyboard or you just chat whit every stranger you meet in every existing game
logan 2023 年 4 月 27 日 上午 9:51 
you are silly
Shadow The Hedgehog 2023 年 4 月 25 日 上午 8:57 
Great Review Dude.