.   Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay
1 1
MbL Raging at people exing for 3 minutes straight
21 3
2月8日 に最後にプレイ
2月8日 に最後にプレイ
2月2日 に最後にプレイ
mañas 2022年8月19日 18時05分 
oinc oinc
✤ Amaris 2019年7月30日 13時00分 
[Brian 🐝 and 🏓 Peter 🥗 are 📘 putting 🕺 a 📒 crib 🌂 together] 💚 Brian: 🐠 Okay, 🐟 insert 🥞 rod 🚙 support 😺 A 🍆 into 🍖 slot 🐊 B. 📗 Peter: 💄 That's 📀 what... 🎽 Brian: 🚗 If 🍧 you 🎍 say 👑 "that's 🌏 what 👳 she 🔋 said" 🌸 one 🌋 more 🌳 time, 👔 I 🌽 am 🎈 gonna 🎫 pop 🎁 you.
✪Sprox 2018年3月21日 23時15分 
✪Sprox 2018年3月21日 23時15分 
sorry guys but this is it. unless i become a moderator soon i will defrag the 69 proxysheilds and hack this sub with a basic gui proxyshield. my mind has been uploaded to the cyber mainframe and my computer is behind protegent and norton. my dad is at work and my mom jumped off a roof so i have a lot of time to mainframe crack you. as you will suffer a lot unless you give me the DECRACKED rainbow tables for moderation. i have already stalled your minecraft servers in the mainframe and i have my griefer gang ready to steal your diamonds. using visual basic minecraft hacks. my windows 95 mainframes are already booted into hackMode and my basic skills are powerful. using my cmd skills i managed to boot into a skype resolver using visualbasic and i prepared my ad blocker. im currently in inspect element on your sub, and i traced u/BITTERSTORM's ip, its so yeah watch out u guys
✪Sprox 2018年3月21日 23時12分 
 ╗╔╔╗╔╗╔╗╗╔  ╔╗╦╔╗╗╦╔  ╗╔╔╗╔╗╦╗  █▀█ █▀▀█ ▄█─█▀▀█  
 ╠╣╠╣╠╝╠╝╚╣  ║║║╠─║║║  ╚╣╠─╠╣║╣  ▄▄█ █──█ ─█─█▀▀█ 
 ╝╚╝╚╩─╩─╚╝  ╩╚╝╚╝╚╩╝  ╚╝╚╝╝╚╩╚  █▄▄ █▄▄█ ▄█▄█▄▄█
🦕 2018年1月6日 8時51分 
:) nice guy