Zachary   California, United States
Your face frozen in blissful eternal sleep now,
As I kiss you goodbye on your cold brow,
A last tearful glance as you're taken away,
There was nothing anyone could do or say,
My pleas and tears won't bring you back to me,
Comforting friends could not help me to see,
No words could explain to my grieving heart,
Why cruel death had to tear my world apart.

Sometimes I'd find treasured mementos you kept,
Or reread the cherished cards from you as I wept;
Fond memories return from photos of smiling faces,
Or suddenly come to mind in the strangest places;
Although I sometimes sadly long for all the yesterdays,
And sorely miss our chats and your understanding ways,
Your gifts helped me relive the good times we shared,
And reminded me that you loved me and truly cared.

Even though your death is a most painful memory,
The memories in recesses of my mind's treasury,
Have helped save me from grief's dark lonely decree,
That your death meant only painful sorrow for me;
For the loving bonds remain and will never depart,
Ensuring that you are with me as a part of my heart,
To comfort and sustain me until I see you once more,
When I'm called to come join you on an eternal shore.

I wonder if your spirit lingered a while on that fateful day,
And witnessed grief's sorrow as your body was taken away;
Did you see me gently kiss you goodbye on your cold brow,
And hear me ask how I was to continue without you now?
Did you hear the sobs and see the tears flowing from me,
Before you answered calls from across a vast eternal sea?
For I'd want you to know, before your spirit had to depart,
That you had left love's precious gifts for a grieving heart.

for my loving wife she was taken too soon.
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