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Neue Rezensionen von Tiramisu Von Everfight

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20.6 Std. insgesamt (11.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
It's Ok quite fun 2 play on PC and mobile I don't get why it gets all the hate, sure the way to earn boosters is different but come on people we are gamers we should learn to overcome challenges but the campaign store deal seems pretty worth it if you ask me , 9/10 so far overall wise, realistic it's a 7 so far but 9 cos they put in effort I thini
Verfasst am 26. April.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
0.0 Std. insgesamt
Tis dope beautiful background
Verfasst am 23. Januar 2023.
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122.7 Std. insgesamt (3.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Great Community, inspired me to get a life, fight the system the school indoctination system complex physics and chase the girl I love again . Best GAEM EVREAH
Verfasst am 15. Januar 2023.
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551.8 Std. insgesamt (421.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Nice Gaem, really nice I like how they do things differently in this gaem with the warlord system and take bold steps with the titandeath expansion (which some people may agree and disagree with). The cards from older expansions are balanced out every now and then once in a while, the galaxy in flames expansion helped revitalise some of the Legions, I know I really liked Cleomens Wardens from Custodes. Power creep thru the expansions is really not so noticeable , sure the new meta changes and in the terra crate , the agents of the sigilite (Malcodor in particular were kinda frowned upon to go up against) but it was a fun and challenging experience. There's not much handholding in the game after the 1st few missions you learn the game mechanics, which to be honest really encourages independence (which many people these days kinda lack, intellectually and emotionally but not us Gamers)

Each faction has its strong suits and weaknesses. E.g. Dark Angels are excellent at buffing troops in hand and using flank and rallying abilities, Corswain ofc is my favourite.
Titans take up 5 or 3 unit spaces depending on which one you use for Legio Traitoris or Loyalist Legios. The trick to using titans is 1) You really must have a semi-complete collection of the faction cards since both titan legions are almost designed exclusively to work with the cards synergy in their own factions (i.e. little to no neutral cards are required, preferably all titan cards). The imperator titans almost require their legendary tactics , Titanica Infernus for Dies Irae and the other one for the Loyalist Legio that gives shield at the end of every turn.
Custodes has Sentinel which prevents you from drawing cards at start of turn but its well-balanced out bcos your opponent is forced to kill your units bcos they are kinda high power and deal quite some damage at all stages of game. For illustration, Nascid mainly uses precognition from his ability kills to survive until end game to lock down the board, Amon is well-rounded and really my most used Custodes. The trick is to get the killing blow by setting it up right, many ways to do this 1) Auric Mortalis + Paragon Spear + Mikaelor Cobernus (the old players know this a lot) n also 2) Hunting Eagles > Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard

I like the skill requirement in this gaem , the way it makes you use your brain , to priortize how energy and resources is spent, the rng is kinda ok 50% to 50% on the rng tactics cards (defense satellites and Ornatov's Barge). Yes I think I will recommend it, its unique , bold , not afraid to try new stuff out, efforts are made to keep your brain alive between updates with new events and warlords and cosmetics chosen by players to release, even tho' most times the cooler looking ones are also the better playing ones which are chosen, e.g. Magnificum Incendium, Aloceri , the Nemesis Titan, Merir Astelan(really well-designed), Deeberaan the CUstodes Dreadnought, and ofc the Vinidicare Ultramarines Captain which has like so many art changes. It may not be for everyone , cos you know majority of people these days in modern society are braindead after they leave the public school indoctrination system (in the footsteps of their parents and grandparents), but it might be for You , give it some time , you'll realise why certain things are designed or coded in a certain way or factions are themed in one way (certain cards make or break a deck duh ofcc) , but part of the way is collecting the cards and experimenting , in this regard you truly use your brain and senses and intuition. Sometimes you win not bcos you're pro but bcos the other guy is noob, sometimes you screw up a play slightly but still win, sometimes you 2 are both noobs sometimes you go up against a pro with a Captain card back in event or regular play and still win bcos your deck recognizes the need to fill in the gaps of :

1) Eliminating HVTs units early gaem,
2)Card Draw and hand availiability ,
3) Points and Battle Values Synergy (sometimes 1+1 not=2 , more like 1+1 = 7 or 9, e.g. Mechanicum Warlord Kelbor Hal + Taghmata Formation , Sons of Hydra + stunlocking the crap outta enemy warlords (Alpha Legion) , Baleful Assembly + Caliban Cypher Warlord , and when your opponent over invests in buffing a single unit without ward , 1 energy Jam card , which is really OP ( can be used in your own units too)
4) Using your faction's special expertise
5) Exclusing titans, have like a some boosting neutral cards in ur deck , I personally go for Abandoned Supplies, Jam, Ornatov's Barge, Defense Satellites, Renegade Knight, Resolution Cards
6) Timing---> Make the opponent show or signal the nature of his deck , guess it's kinda like stud poker at the casino, you know which cards you got , but you also gotta look at the dealer and your fellow players , they frowning or unsure or they don't double your bets, its a sense you get after going to casino and playing online CCG card games n you can find meaning in which decks work which ways best which cards which plays which mulligan hand draws you always seem to start with. Deception is perception but then again no one really knows except you can choose what you want to do with the current situation.
6)+++ Sometimes the straightfoward play isn't always the best one, keep them guessing, and if they do guess then go forward. It's like being a warrior from Nova Cat in Battletech, sometimes to achieve what we want , we have to ermmm go around and make our moves hard to see, it's a way of seeing the world too , what is obvious to you may be hidden to others in plain sight, after all the biggest secrets in life are right in front of You , its only a choice you make whether you want to see it

Feigning , bluffing, feinting , exploiting , the rules of play , pretty much what we are taught from birth in every society (Western, Eastern, "Democratic" You can only say Yes or No on a piece of 15cm by 7 cm paper society that is), this game enshrines those values, I like it , You are Your own Teacher here (the phoenix)
Verfasst am 23. Dezember 2022.
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0.4 Std. insgesamt (0.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Shiba Inu Approved :)
Verfasst am 4. Juli 2019.
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Ergebnisse 1–5 von 5