brandonwort? 3 nov 2011, ore 13:30 
can i be in a lol video my profile on it is brandonwort
Samoan 13 ott 2011, ore 2:05 
Hi eades
brandonwort? 12 ott 2011, ore 13:45 
eades u and me should play some legue of legends
Boddah 10 ott 2011, ore 23:34 
Hi Mr.Eades
Lugnut33 1 ott 2011, ore 22:51 
Hey Eades just wanted to say thanks for letting me in the skype call during the stream tonight! It was epic even though I failed lol. Thanks
I am Meatwad 24 set 2011, ore 20:57 
Thanks for the game.
Cake_Enterprise 23 set 2011, ore 8:30 
hey eades you me kootra and nova play death toll on left 4 dead 2 well kick some zombie but.
Cake_Enterprise 20 set 2011, ore 8:28 
thanks for adding me too play team fortress 2 with me plz it would be a riot playing it with you.
Drunken Snake 17 set 2011, ore 19:26 
Thanks for accepting my friend request.
so true 17 set 2011, ore 17:52 
Cheers mate, thanks for accepting me!
brandonwort? 17 set 2011, ore 11:28 
thanks accepting my friend request :)
McWafflez 10 set 2011, ore 21:35 
thanks for civ v eades can't wait to play it (still downloading) anyways thanks again :D
Cherio 3 set 2011, ore 20:53 
Boddah 25 ago 2011, ore 0:52 
PandaGrog 21 ago 2011, ore 13:23 
- Vivi 13 - 16 lug 2011, ore 22:47 
Canadians ftw.
DrippyDrew 2 lug 2011, ore 11:30 
eades thanks for the ticket
⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ 2 lug 2011, ore 10:09 
Yo eades thanks for the ticket haha
Griify 2 lug 2011, ore 10:03 
hey eades are you getting la noire when it comes to the pc
Kaza 30 giu 2011, ore 22:23 
Happy Canada Day!!!!!
⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ ⭕⃤ 26 giu 2011, ore 19:43 
it was fun playing tf2 with you haha
alexdsfan 24 giu 2011, ore 3:03 
thanks for accepting me. you're the best eades!
DrawLines 15 giu 2011, ore 9:31 
you and the maxican are so awesome at voices and your personaltys are epic :) keep making cool videos
Ization 9 giu 2011, ore 18:05 
Yea Thank you for accepting me Eades U Awesome! :D
Hardfunk 31 mag 2011, ore 6:50 
thanks for accepting, its my b-day tomoz so this is an early present :)
Fiddlarn 30 mag 2011, ore 22:13 
thank you for adding me Eades that was awesome
(TCOW)Succuboso_Kat 26 mag 2011, ore 2:53 
hey Eades, next you play l4d lemme know. I'd love to play a game with ya ^^
BjørnieB 23 mag 2011, ore 9:00 
John King 16 mag 2011, ore 19:18 
thanks for adding me Matt fellow canadian
Dookie 12 mag 2011, ore 3:18 
Thanks for the accept Eades. Keep posting the videos. Their well funny.
Hollowfied 2 mag 2011, ore 1:49 
Thanks Eades for accepting my friend request just want to say keep up the good work.
Veiled 29 apr 2011, ore 18:26 
Thanks for the accept Eades =D keep up the awesome videos.
Ryan Mald 28 apr 2011, ore 7:27 
I honestly didn't expect you to accept me, but i'll go ahead and leave the first comment, your videos are great, keep up the awesome co-op with gassy and the other creatures. I sense a new creature in our midst (if you're not one already, I'm kind of out of the loop on these sorta things).