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2 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
Posted 7 August.
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3 people found this review helpful
5.1 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Amazing game, you should create another one but with Imagine Dragons, would be so cool in combination with this astro theme
Posted 14 July.
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3 people found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
OMG, why no body told me that 4th sakura hime coming ? Its without doubt best puzzle game, sadly its kinda short, but music, graphics, puzzles self are so beautiful and calming <3
I could play this nonstop, and of course Sakura Himes are gorgeous too

Cant wait when this game will get cards and point shop items - i just hope they will not be broken like from third one <3
Posted 1 June.
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2.7 hrs on record
So.... first of all this game doesnt have japan voice in case you are blind like me, the Olivia speaks in chinese only.
It was my first game in chinese voice, and actually it was not that bad, but of course - japan is top tier and will always be.

I bought the game cus Olivia looks cute and i was kinda curious about story (not NSFW, but yeah, no body will believe me anyway XD)

Story is way more crazier and no sense than i thought at first :D really...... but its funny
Basically you hear something about story until the first time you do it with Olivia, and then on last day (19th)
So all chit chat is usually not interesting crap, which sometimes repeats.
Thats a useful trick to save money and have "happy ending evening of yours":
If you will be skipping all chitchat between first and last day, you can finish game easily under 2 hours, so you can refund it.
Only watch out when game says you have to make some position in "FREE MODE" that means you have to repeat that 18+ scene next day which played first time by itself when you unlocked it.
Cus of that i missed 1 day to get good ending, so i went back to day 8 to get everything.

As I said earlier game is cute, funny and for hentai virgos its well animated (somehow I thought this game have cards to collect for badge, but it doesnt..... I was really blinded by Olivia"s beauty to think that game have cards or japan voice XD)
On other hand, game can be finished in like hour and 20 minutes, if you wil be reading all chitchat it can take up to 3 hours I guess with "other stuff :)"'

So yeah, but as one time fun thingy for bored lonely evening i can recommend.
Posted 16 March.
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3 people found this review helpful
10.5 hrs on record
Very boring, I gave this game like 3 chances, I tried game with friend

Nah.... its just insanely boring to me
Posted 25 February.
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5 people found this review helpful
8.8 hrs on record
Well, game has around 9 hours of story ( i played on easy, so if you play on regular NORMAL difficulty it can take longer)
Game is very cute, lovely, OST is amazing, animations and everything

For lot of peoples can be problem repetitive gameplay, this game is a lot repetitive, there are like 10 types of enemies which you face again and again, also bosses sometimes comes back so you have to fight them more times - that looks like they manually wanted to increase play time

I didnt mind that game is repetitive, only on last 3 bosses i started to rush a bit cus i knewed that i can be boring if i have to clear mirror world another 5-10 times ( thankfully not )

Regullar player will be bored probably after few hours, I think this game is mainly for peoples who know LOVE LIVE universe and specially - AQUORS

Of course after finishing game you can play it again, while hunting achievements and points to buy costumes for Yohane
But i see myself clearing game one more time and after that i will be "overplayed" of NUMAZU

But still..... i can recommend this game, still better than all scams like SIFAS, SIF 2, SIF1
This is basically only one normal LOVE LIVE game out there for now

Sry for mistakes in text, I was writing this in rush

Posted 24 February.
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13 people found this review helpful
477.6 hrs on record (477.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Tato hra mi těžce poškodila mé mentální zdraví a celkovou rovnováhu a stabilitu.
Věřil jsem že se zde najdu, že ve virtuální realitě přeci můžem být kým chcem...... což je částečně pravda, bohužel součástí té pravdy je to, že drtivá většina uživatelů je psychicky chorá, jsou to lobotomové a šílenci,
kteří jsou na této platformě právě z důvodu anonymity a toho že se mohou přetvařovat.
Což se míjí s původní myšlenkou toho že lidé co třeba nemají lehké období nebo jsou stydlivý sem přijdou aby si zlepšili sociální vnímání či si našli přátele.

Naštěstí jsem tuto aplikaci přestal používat jen tak tak v čas, jinak by ze mě dnes zřejmě byl stejně narušený jedinec, zřejmě i ladyboy k tomu a naprosto ztracená existence.

Nedoporučuji, a varuji že zde spásu a pravé přátele nenajdete - šance je velmi nízká.
Pokud jste narušenci, a LGBT squada tak možná máte vyšší šanci
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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10 people found this review helpful
5 people found this review funny
14.6 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
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Posted 9 November, 2023.
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701 people found this review helpful
477 people found this review funny
47.0 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡇⠢⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Posted 9 November, 2023.
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52 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Balkán, jedno z nejočekávanějších a nejkrásnějších DLC je tu.
Dá se to nazvat i jedním z největších i nejpropracovanějších DLC vůbec.

Věřím že většina z nás už byla třeba v Chorvatsku, a věřte že když budete projíždět ať už ním či jinou zemí budete mít takový falešný pocit nostalgie jako by jste tam někdy už byly, jakoby jste ta místa znali - až tak moc věrohodné to je, s každým novým DLC se SCS více a více zdokonaluje že si člověk myslí že to už lepší být nemůže, a ono může !
Balkán se jednoduše povedl na výbornou a je radostí po něm jezdit, krásné scenérie přístavů, pobřeží, hor či kopců jsou naprosto dechberoucí a velmi věrohodné a spolu s vaší oblíbenou muzikou již nic nechybí dokonalému relaxu <3

Nelze jinak než - DOPORUČIT

Ještě bych si jako další DLC dokázal představit Ukrajinu, byla by to krásná návštěva <3
Posted 19 October, 2023.
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