Du-rag Donny
Douglas "Donny" D'marcus
A head wrap similar to a stocking cap but only has an extra piece to it origionally used to keep hair in style to keep hair flat,get waves...etc Now mostly used for style
"Yo let me borrow that black du rag so i can rock it with my spurs jersey son"

"iam going to keep my du rag on so i can have my waves ready for tonight"
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Quivering Quoll 9 JUL 2016 a las 5:02 a. m. 
+rep very niec csgoat game, luv u giuz bthanks
LoofyIsHere 9 JUL 2016 a las 4:52 a. m. 
+rep we had a niec csgo game, he was pretty niec