Jabooty Jewgatti   United States
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance
And if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
Sticky Pennies 16 May, 2021 @ 10:19pm 
dongle :winter2019cooldog:
Beanie 22 Jul, 2017 @ 3:54pm 
Bruh change your profile picture back
Inflatable Couch 26 Jul, 2015 @ 9:19pm 
What the frick did you just fricking say about me, you little frick? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my frick in the frickin Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-fricka, and I have over 300 confirmed fricks. I am trained in gorilla warfrick and I’m the top frick in the entire US armed fricks. You are nothing to me but just another frick. I will wipe you the frick out with fricks the likes of which has never been fricked before on this frick, mark my fricking words.
Inflatable Couch 4 Feb, 2015 @ 6:25am 
Overwatch 2 23 Aug, 2014 @ 7:21pm 
Add me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I want to make love to you.
Overwatch 2 23 Aug, 2014 @ 7:17pm 
I think you're sexy. :heart: