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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 31.3 saat
A superb game that adds a new "gimmick" to the deck builder roguelite in the way of the match 3 board.

Careful use of both your deck and the tile board are required in order to progress. The game takes a few runs to get into (I lost my first 3) but offers a good but beatable challenge rather than spamming a select few cards. The tile board also has enemy tiles that if left alone can damage you, curse you, heal the enemy or give them block... as well as a few other tricks on the bosses.

Visibly it's pretty and each character feels different thanks to the unique bonuses each receive. Likewise, even the enemies feel somewhat unique with a number of them having special attributes or weaknesses. There's a lot of hidden control to these fights in using the weaknesses and traits against them. One elite does massive damage but is stunned by gaining enough of a specific symbol on the board, the barbed trait deals damage back to you when you attack them with cards but not with tile-chaining, and one enemy will change it's action based on your plays... and that's just a few, and doesn't even talk about bosses. While there are certainly a number of 'regular' mobs, there's still plenty of times you need to pay attention, adapt and actually think about your actions.

It also has positive modifiers as well as negative, allowing you to fine-tune the difficulty to your liking.

The biggest negative is that there's not a lot to unlock, and I felt I didn't get anything rewarded to me when beating the final boss and watching the credits roll. It would be great if each character had one unique unlock for that... but this is a SUPER minor negative.

I'd love to see more YouTubers/streamers cover this game, as I truly think it stands out in the genre and I'd love to see them expand it further.
Yayınlanma 10 Eylül. Son düzenlenme 17 Eylül.
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kayıtlarda 41.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 31.4 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is too good.
It's a roguelike with a little bullet-heaven feel to it... but where it shines is mixing the spells, as the name suggests.

There are some fun spell combos.
Fire a poisoning laser at the bad guy that then explodes into eight swords.
Turn your cursor into a big glowing ball of destructive energy.
A bunch of energy snakes homing in on their enemy, summoning meteors.
A whirlwind of boomerangs circling you leaving a trail of lightning storms.

It's unbelievably fun to play.

Negatives - relatively minor - and do remember this is early access so a lot of content just won't be ready yet.
Some runs feel doomed if you're unlucky on rolls that you can't get a viable end-game build going.
Summons feel underwhelming later in the game. They still have some use and Kei's Hand on a spell-hit wand, for instance, can lead to some shenanigans, but generally summons aren't build-defining.
Yayınlanma 21 Aralık 2023. Son düzenlenme 22 Aralık 2023.
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kayıtlarda 18.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 10.5 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
It's pretty and it's fun! It's not the most challenging of this genre, but has it's own quirks to make it stand out. If you're enjoying this genre and want some new scenery this is well worth it.

Note: My review is based on the content from the initial EA release.

What I liked
- Stage secrets. Giving me things to unlock in a map is a sure way to make my task-orientated brain happy.
- Free reroll! May seem minor to include but in many of these roguelite ARPGs, the number of choices can mean you are forced to pick stuff you don't want. That's still very possible here, there's always one re-roll available per choice.
- Party member synergies. Party members give bonuses, sometimes to specific weapons. It makes them feel more involved without having to manage their level ups the same way you do your character (though that would be cool too).

What I didn't like (both very minor)
- It can feel very slow at times. The first time I played I felt it was running at a snail's pace. (I think a toggle for 1.5x/2x speed would be handy).
- Meta upgrades aren't quite balanced yet, and some stuff is a bit too cheap. But given it's early access, this may change, or be gearing up to later stages.

All in all, a good game that has potential to spawn into much more than it currently is. It's a saturated genre, but this one is well worth a play even in its current state,

It's only just gone into Early Access so even if you're not grabbing it now, I recommend you keep an eye on it as I'm hoping we've got more features coming!
Yayınlanma 26 Ağustos 2023.
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kayıtlarda 16.3 saat
Fun game, it doesn't add anything too new or exciting to the genre, but it is none the less a stand out from a pretty saturated market.

What I like
- A good number of viable build options.
- A kooky set of characters.
- Decent level length and difficult ramping.
- Some fun items.

What I dislike
- The meta-game ends rather quickly.
- The number of items will mean you're fishing for the the stuff you want. There is a banish mechanic to assist, though.
- Some of the translations aren't quite spot on, but very minor and nothing impacting game play.

If you enjoy games of this genre, you'll probably enjoy this.
Yayınlanma 16 Temmuz 2023. Son düzenlenme 4 Ağustos 2023.
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8 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 214.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 205.8 saat)
One Word: Glorious.

Quick Info
This is a game that will appeal to completionists and SRPG fans. If you like Disgaea, you'll probably like this. In fact, for easy comparison imagine if Disgaea and XCOM bore a child together. You won't see numbers go crazy like in Disgaea, but you will get a similar feeling for the depth of character setup and the desire to grind (but not tediously) it out with a combat system similar, yet deeper, than XCOM.

More Info
Going to preface this by explaining masteries are augmentations that increase your character stats, grant them new abilities or simply allow them to do new/different things. Certain combinations create sets that further improve your character. They are core to your characters performing well.

The way you improve characters is brilliant, the masteries system has a lot to be discovered allowing you to build characters in MANY different viable ways. Want a killing machine that just goes in and chain kills? Sure, can do (though some enemies can counter that!). Want to rely entirely on reactionary attacks, induce DoTs, area of effects etc etc... there's multiple ways to skin that cat, each character of course favours certain styles, but ultimately each character has oodles of options outside of just their class (three classes per char).

The systems are very in depth, and at first may seem a little overwhelming due to the sheer number of options, but honestly, the search function makes it very friendly to navigate and once you get a few levels down the road and open a few slots you'll start seeing sets and hints to completing sets appear.

Story-wise, it's alright, but very focused on lore/world building. Many of the scenario images feature a multitude of characters in the background, or as bystanders that are just there, not even mentioned, sort of like cameo... then later you found out who that person is and the significance of them. I quite liked that, it's building the world, lots of different gangs, characters and gateways to future stories. I feel like the world itself could span multiple games similar to the Legends of Heroes titles. I also like that although Albus is the primary character, the story feels like it's about nearly all the characters rather than them being side stories. In fact, in some of the plot, Albus feels like the side character!

There's a LOT to unlock and do. I've 200 hours in and still have about 20 masteries (currently over 800 total) to get and an entire part of the game I haven't played (Joint drills). Note: 200 hours includes both DLC and a lot of completionist-style gameplay, you do not need to put this amount of time in to enjoy or complete the story.

I think it's important to note, however, this is not a native English game and the community are doing a fantastic job at localising/translating it, but ultimately there are still a good number of clunky sentences in the game, especially in the newer content. I don't note this as a con as such as it is continually improving, but purely to manage expectations.

The developer is also very active and responds and addresses most everything on the forums. It can be a thankless job, but they do it calmly and rationally even when sometimes the OP isn't doing the same.

I only have a few minor gripes.
Certain masteries which can be pivotal to certain builds are locked behind scenario choices that can seem out of character. You can replay scenarios to get these, and as the game progresses there often more ways to attain them, but without checking a guide you may miss some masteries.

Mastery-spam. Luckily this can be simplified in the game options so it's a message rather than a dialogue, but the default setting means you have to press okay every time you receive a mastery during combat... and you receive a lot! The games does well to tell you about all the various simplification options during load screen, but it just confounds me that this was the default option.

I'd like more 'support' characters. Like we have a great healer, but most of the other support-able characters are generally best used offensively. Though this just may be the way I play.

Yes... that's literally how minor the gripes are.

In short, get this game.
Yayınlanma 16 Ocak 2023.
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Bir geliştirici 16 Oca 2023 @ 19:15 tarihinde cevap verdi (cevabı görüntüle)
Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 10.3 saat
What an absolutely fun game.

Obviously the comparison to Slay the Spire is here and if you enjoyed that, you'll probably enjoy this. However, this game isn't the same, nor is it attempting to be. It probably took some direction from it, or the many other games in the genre that came before or after Slay the Spire, but it's 'gimmick' is it's own. There's no map, but there is a route in that you get to chose from 2 or 3 doors each room. There is, as far as I can tell, no challenge mode after. But it does have a PVP (albeit very buggy atm as still in testing).

The madness is palpable. The weapons, art and everything... it's just fun. The game doesn't take itself seriously. I feel as though they've used different artists, or just different styles at least on different aspects of the game. Events have a more surreal feel to them, while battling feels more like a high quality flash animation, it also somewhat reminds me of cupheads (despite having not played it) where it's very cartoony but oddly unsettling during certain battles (the weird moleman elite in the Abyss... *shudder*). I feel this disconnection adds to the 'insanity'. I have to say, though, art, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so while it ticks my boxes it may not be for everyone. However, while it's wacky, it's not done in a way that will alienate you if you miss references or in-jokes - I'm sure I missed plenty and it didn't detract from my enjoying.

The dice also add a nice a little feature. It's not particularly game-changing (unless you play as the dice mastery in which case that's the point) but it adds a little extra something to keep your interest. The other two masteries, I have to say, are a little underwhelming, but perhaps I'm just too early into the unlockables.

Overall the game is fun, it's not overly complex, but few games like this are - and like most games of this genre, a lean deck is nearly always best.

Honestly, best on-a-whim game purchase I've made thus far this year.
Yayınlanma 30 Ocak 2022.
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kayıtlarda 57.3 saat
What an exceptionally fun game.

The main loop is relatively simple, discover, destroy, upgrade and repeat. However, the game is packed full of places to explore, and is very open world. There are certain walls that prevent you going to X area until you've done Y, but none of it feels unnatural. What I like is the upgrade mechanic and it steadily allowing you to destroy more things. Take your original spot for instance, at the start, you can destroy very little, by the end of the game you can destroy basically everything there!

There is a bit of grind, but only if you want to complete in it's entirety.

Note, this is NOT a survival game and you can not lose, in fact you will purposefully dispatch of yourself on numerous occasions to speed things up. The game plays like an ARPG with a massive focus on interacting with the world around you - mostly in destroying it.

The story isn't half bad either, not brilliant, but what I like about it is I only saw a 25min clip from Angory Tom on Youtube and decided I wanted this game. He hadn't progressed that far in the story so didn't really get any spoilers nor did I actually do any research beyond a quick skim of the store page. However, the world, or rather the lore of the island quickly develops and there are forces at hand which, from a quick video, I didn't expect.

It's not particularly hard (though there was a certain enemy spawn that sent me to my grave multiple times!) but it's challenging enough to keep you engaged while you progress.

Overall very enjoyable. I look forward to future titles/expansions in this franchise. The setup for this possibility is done very well, though in a way that isn't a cliffhanger. But, probably only noticeable if you did certain side-quests.
Yayınlanma 27 Aralık 2021. Son düzenlenme 27 Aralık 2021.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 91.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 91.5 saat)
Value your friendships?
Enjoy the sunlight?
Want to play other games?

Then this game isn't for you. Siralim at it's core is a simple game, with simple mechanics. Siralim after a few hours, still has the same core, but is adorned with a plethora of features, traits, perks and decorations. Want to play the game as a giant walking teddy bear? Get the right loot and you're all on!

But the game progresses further. After tens of hours, you'll still have a bunch of stuff to unlock and you'l lbe theorycrafting builds. Perhaps you've grown wary of your Pyromancer and want to try a Reaver... but oh my, suddenly your entire team is out of spell gems and you're no longer able to progress on the highest realm instability (per-map difficulty modifiers). The game is as complicated as you want to play it. It's a grind, but it's a fun grind. You've got over 4 QUINTILLION (that's 16 digits!), combinations of traits in your team and that's not even talking about perks. That sounds daunting; how do you find the right synergies? But once you've been playing a while you start to build those synergies in your head, you have an idea and you'll find comparable traits that go with it to bolster your idea. You will almost certainly need to rely on the codex, though - most useful in it's form external of the game, in my opinion.

As you continue to unlock more content, you'll start making specialised builds for certain challenges and you'll be thinking about this game when not playing it... which will be most of the time.

And I still haven't even unlocked everything!

This game will own you. Diablo meets Pokemon does not do this game anywhere near enough justice, but honestly there is no game out there that compares to this franchise. I guess think about your roguelikes where you have to build strategies, or make a team based on that current run and the cards/abilities/ships/whatever you are given... but now make it endless and increase the 'deck-building' element exponentially. Then add the unfolding nature of an incremental game to it so you're still unlocking new 'things' after days of playtime and you're starting to get somewhere towards what this game is.

Additionally it has a bunch of aesthetic choices from your dress to your castle... hell you can even put a bow on your devil.

The only thing I do dislike is that when renaming things, I can't type. I have to pick the letters using the on screen display. Honestly, you may never even want to rename anything. It's just a pet peeve!

TL;DR Despite this game not actually being a roguelike, (though I believe a mode is in development) it has a very similar play style and feel to one. It offers challenges that feel rewarding to overcome, but doesn't really force much on you. If you enjoy turn-based battles and theorycrafting, this will be your friend for MANY hours.
Yayınlanma 19 Aralık 2021. Son düzenlenme 19 Aralık 2021.
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kayıtlarda 176.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 140.9 saat)
A decent incremental with a gorgeous aesthetic. It's somewhat simplistic in nature compared to many games of this genre, yet somehow still offers a varied feel through many aspects of it's core tree and the two bubble universes available. Ultimately all very similar gameplay but executed slightly differently with enough to sink your teeth into.

It's a lot more active then other incremental games you may be used to, and active clicking is very much going to progress you faster, but it's by no means required; though the game may feel slow without.
Yayınlanma 25 Kasım 2021.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 3,353.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 26.5 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
While it shares the odd similarity, it's a VERY different game to NGU. But, just like NGU it's fun, truly idle and has unlocking features as the game continues.

It's an idle, simplified version of a factory game, but without the spaghetti of conveyor belts, with LOADS more upgrades (meaning you need to keep calculating your factory, but not in a bad way) and with a bunch more insults, sarcasm and other features.

Basically, if you like factory games, idle games and sarcasm, this game is for you.

Though, I'm still very early into the game, not unlocked too many features. Will update once I've got a good few hundred/thousand hours under my belt.
Yayınlanma 6 Nisan 2021.
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