
Dragomok の最近のレビュー

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112件中 111-112 を表示
2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:54.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:45.9時間)
A strategy game about fighting a liquid.
That actually works.
That requires almost no irritating micromanagement.
That caters to both turtlers and rushers.

That is a third instalment in a series that takes previous two - radically different - installments and merges their best elements to create a perfected version of the original.

That is produced by a Nice Guy Developer who offers demo, "full game lite" Flash-based demo, map editor and a riddiculous amount of display options for your convenience.

What's not to like?
投稿日 2014年7月2日.
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3 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Starseed Pilgrim makes a hell of a first impression.

This game feels like a work of someone who thought that the thing artistic, experimental games lack are harshness, repetition, grinding and lethal fall damage.
It manages to be simultaneously tedious and punishing, pressuring and sluggish.
It feels like an attempt to illustrate Do It Again Stupid[www.shamusyoung.com] design.
It feels like an embodiment of a polar opposite of all nice little touches developers put into games, like straight tunnel after hard puzzle in VVVVVV, ammo restores accounting for bullets missing from magazine in Firefall and ability to finish normal mode and play NG+ on the same save slot in Defender's Quest.
The contrast between the vibe I got from Steam page blurbs, trailer and how it actually plays feels like a trolling attempt.

I admit, I have played it only for a short time - Steam says it was about 40 minutes. I know some games require time to get going - and I really tried to get into it. I tried to reach the first goal, after many failures reached it and the first
I like artistic games. I LOVE games about discovering their mechanics. I like roguelikes. This game was recommended to me by a person I'm a fan of, which should have coloured my outlook.
Between playing it and writing this review, I even went on an hour-long walk.

And still, the only feeling I have toward this game is burning hatred.

A sentiment that almost feels mutual.

投稿日 2014年7月2日.
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112件中 111-112 を表示