Dota 2
25 Punkte-Programm
1. We demand the unification of all Germans into a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of peoples to self-determination.

2. We demand equal rights for the German people on an equal basis with other nations and the repeal of the provisions of the Versailles and Saint-Germain peace treaties.

3. We demand living space: territories and lands (colonies) necessary for the sustenance of our people and for the settlement of its surplus part.

4. A German citizen can only be one who belongs to the German nation, in whose veins German blood flows, regardless of religious affiliation. Thus, no Jew can be classified as a German nation, nor can he be a German citizen.

5. Anyone who is not a citizen of Germany can live in it as a guest, on the rights of a foreigner. Every foreigner is obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation on foreigners.

6. The right to hold positions related to lawmaking, as well as state administration, may belong exclusively to citizens. Therefore, we demand that all positions in any public organization, at any level — national, regional or municipal — be held only by citizens of the state. We are fighting against the corrupting parliamentary practice of holding positions only depending on party affiliation, without taking into account character and abilities.

7. We demand that the state first of all undertakes to take care of the employment and life of German citizens. If it is impossible to feed the entire population of the state, then persons belonging to foreign nations (not citizens of the state) should be expelled from the country.

8. All further immigration to Germany of persons of non-German origin should be suspended. We demand that all persons of non-German origin who immigrated to Germany after August 2, 1914, be expelled from the State.

9. All citizens of the State must have equal rights and obligations.

10. The first duty for every German citizen is to perform mental or physical work. The activities of each individual citizen should not contradict the interests of society as a whole. On the contrary, such activities should take place within the framework of society and be aimed at the common benefit.

11. The destruction of non-labor and easy incomes, as well as the breaking of percentage slavery.

12. In view of the enormous human sacrifices and property losses required of the nation in every war, personal enrichment during the war should be considered as a crime against the nation. Thus, we demand the complete confiscation of all profits related to personal enrichment in wartime.

13. We demand the nationalization of all (previously) created joint-stock enterprises (trusts).

14. We demand the participation of workers and employees in the distribution of the profits of large commercial enterprises.

15. We demand the development and creation of a truly decent pension system.

16. We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its preservation, as well as the immediate removal of large shops from private ownership and their leasing, at low prices, to small producers. We demand that fairly strict records be kept on the supply of goods from small producers, carried out on the basis of state orders, orders from communities and lands.

17. We demand a land reform that meets the needs and interests of the nation, the adoption of a law on the gratuitous confiscation of land for public needs. Cancellation of interest on land mortgages, prohibition of land speculation.

18. We demand a ruthless struggle against those who, by their activities, harm the interests of society. We demand the introduction of the death penalty for criminals who have committed a crime against the German people, usurers, speculators, and others, regardless of their religious or racial affiliation.

19. We demand the replacement of Roman law, which serves the interests of the materialistic world order, with German popular law.

20. In order to provide every capable and diligent German with the opportunity to receive a higher education and occupy a leading position, the state must take care of the comprehensive development of our entire system of public education. The programs of all educational institutions must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. From the very beginning of the development of the child's consciousness, the school should purposefully teach him to understand the ideas of statehood. We demand that especially talented children of poor parents, regardless of their position in society and occupation, should receive education at the expense of the state.

21. The state must direct all efforts to improve the health of the nation: ensure the protection of motherhood and childhood, prohibit child labor, improve the physical condition of the population by legislatively introducing compulsory training sessions and physical exercises, and supporting clubs involved in the physical development of young people.

22. We demand the liquidation of the mercenary army and the creation of a people's army.

23. We demand an open political struggle against deliberate political lies and their dissemination in the press. In order to create a German press, we demand that:

a) all employees, editors and publishers of German newspapers printed in German were citizens of the state;

b) non-German newspapers must obtain special permission from the state to publish. However, they must be published in a non-German language;

c) persons of non-German nationality are prohibited by law from having any financial interest or influence in German newspapers. As punishment for violations of this law, such a newspaper will be banned, and foreigners will be immediately deported. Newspapers harmful to the public interest should be banned. We demand the introduction of a legislative struggle against literary and cultural trends that have a corrupting influence on our people, as well as the prohibition of all measures that contribute to this decay.

24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the state, as long as they do not threaten it and do not oppose the moral and moral feelings of the Germanic race. The party, as such, stands on the positions of positive Christianity, but at the same time it is not connected by convictions with any particular denomination. She struggles with the Jewish-materialistic spirit inside and outside of us and is convinced that the further recovery of our national organism can be achieved through constant healing within ourselves. The latter can be implemented by implementing the principle of the priority of public interests over their own.

25. For the implementation of all of the above, we require:

Creation of a strong centralized power of the state.

The indisputable authority of the central political parliament on the territory of the entire state, as well as in all its organizations.

Creation of estates and professional chambers for the implementation of laws adopted by the state in all federal states.

Party leaders undertake to ensure the implementation of the above points at any cost, and if necessary, even sacrificing their own lives.
500 点经验值
成就进度   3000 / 3000
总时数 3,350 小时
500 点经验值
总时数 315 小时
最后运行日期:2024 年 12 月 31 日
200 点经验值
成就进度   1 / 1
总时数 903 小时
最后运行日期:2024 年 12 月 29 日