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張貼於:2022 年 7 月 10 日 下午 3:28
更新於:2022 年 7 月 10 日 下午 3:30

This Is a hidden gem and needs more recognition.
To start off I've never played Swords and Sandals before, and the only reason this caught my eye was how it reminded me of Adventure Quest. I used to stay up all night playing Adventure Quest, and when I saw this game I thought it was destiny.

SSI is a turn based game, like its predecessors(from my knowledge), but the one thing I like about this one is the ability to make it a fast paced game, almost like a fighting game, but turn based. If you memorize what skills do and where they're at on the UI, you can hammer through fights pretty quick.
But that brings me to the biggest pitfall of the game so far, the grind. You're gonna have to get fast at fights if you want to even stay awake during some of the grind this game has.
As of now It has taken me ~8 hours to complete all the content that is out right now, but the grind is there because the lack of things to do. So give or take about 4 hours of actual "content".
Right now you can move between towns and become the regional champ of each. Every town having 5 contenders to fight then 1 current champion.
Some fights are a breeze, some are not, I've gotten smacked down a few times by a some of the bosses, but once you hit a certain point of progression they become a lot easier.
There is also a Colosseum with 7 bosses so far, max champion level being 45. These fights are quite hard early, and even later on if you have a sloppy build. They become a lot easier if you find a good build + weapon combo.
One funny thing is there is also skills in the game?? I got to level 44 without training one skill, and used power, medium and quick attack throughout the whole game, I found out at the end that there was skills I could've trained into :P

Right now I don't want to go to in depth with the review since it's still very early development, and there is still A LOT of things missing. Right now $18 is a great price if you find enjoyment in these type of games, although it was quick to complete, this is one of those games you should invest in.
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵