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Diposting: 10 Jan 2022 @ 3:58pm
Diperbarui: 4 Okt 2022 @ 5:27pm

The best game not to get into
Destiny 2 is an addiction. I am just in way too deep to stop now (is what an addict says). It’s one of the best games to never get into. Horrible new player experience – out of the loop, behind on resources, story lacks context, gameplay lacks direction. Confusing game mechanics – it’s impossible to figure everything out without Google, YouTube or a very knowledgeable friend. Fantastic gunplay paired with the endless grind for god rolls. Incredible narrative that is never told in its totality. Content that is amazing to experience for the first time but quickly becomes repetitive, mindless and tedious. Don’t even get it started.

Whenever new content drops it is actually amazing to play through and experience for the very first time. The problem is that you will be replaying this same content for the months to come. The gameplay loop revolves around guns and getting them sweet god rolls. Every activity in the game is designed to be replayed hundreds of times. After 3 days of replaying the same activity, you start to question your sanity. Do I even need this gun that badly? Is it worth it? Most of the time it isn’t, yet we still grind for it. Sometimes the gun won’t even be used, but it’s just nice to have it collecting dust in the vault for that “just in case”. Needless to say, not something most people would sign up for.

The story is one of the strongest parts of Destiny. 8 years of building up an overarching narrative, all the background information, trials and tribulations, character development, relationships. It’s like one giant TV show, even the seasons are made in a way in which you come back every week for another piece of the story. It is all so cool to follow if you know everything that has happened. Key word there being IF.

None of this story is actually told to you in any type of meaningful way. If you are a new or returning player starting up the game, you get a brief intro mission for the current season aaand that’s it. Of you go to figure out what is happening, who the people are, what the point of anything is or what to do next. No direction, no explanation, no quest line. It is up to you to look up videos on the complete history of destiny and spend 6 hours of your time. Still well worth it though, as you gain a whole new interest and appreciation for the world of Destiny.

PvP in Destiny is serviceable, it’s casually focused, it can be fun at times. But it is literally just a couple decisions away from being some of the best competitive PvP in any game. The core gunplay is there and its very engaging. It’s all the other crap – cheesy builds, overpowered abilities and supers, unbalanced weapons and exotics, meta must haves. They try to address it by changing stuff up constantly – nerfing cooldowns, changing up flinch, aim assist, airborne effectiveness, but the problems are ever present.

Why not experiment more? Do something completely different. Try having everyone on the same playing field gun and ability wise. Create an actual ranked system. Make more game modes. Make new maps. Hire some more people for the job and figure it out. There is so much they can do, it’s kind of mind boggling that they don’t. Seems like they are content with just keeping it the way it is (with slight adjustments). A true wasted potential.

Price of admission
Even though the game is “free”, the actual price of being a Destiny player is $100+ a year. This is the big yearly expansion with lots of new content, features, destination, story. It’s a big deal. It gets everyone hyped up. The next 3 seasonal updates are smaller in contrast but still bring some new content and continue with the story narrative. These seasonal activities are gone the following year.

Now if you don’t get the $100 Annual Pass, you miss out on the 2 yearly dungeons that are now sold separately for $10 each, something never done before. So $20 extracted from the suckers who were not aware of the change. A scummy move by Bungo. Add on to this the newly introduced seasonal event pass for $10 per season if you’d like some extra cosmetics. And of course the Eververse store for some additional skins and ornaments. They definitely have monetization all figured out.

Destiny is still obviously an amazing game. I just wanted to bring all the negatives to light and make a case for not even starting it. The gameplay loop of grindyness and repetitiveness will not be appealing to most people. However, if none of this sounds off-putting, and you are looking for a game to grind, a main game... then this could be it. You can also just play it casually and do some of the free stuff, or come back to it periodically, once there is new content to play thorough. Or just don’t get into it at all.
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