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Đạt được 3 trên 15 (20%) thành tựu:
Thành tựu cá nhân

The start of a journey

Run 100 kimos total
Mở khóa vào 23 Thg12, 2014 @ 9:23pm

Into the running mood

Run 1000 kimos total
Mở khóa vào 23 Thg12, 2014 @ 9:25pm

Are you a cat?

Die 9 times in endless mode
Mở khóa vào 23 Thg12, 2014 @ 9:26pm

The Marathon

Run 42195 kimos total
1,948 / 42,195

Was it the answer?

Die 42 times in endless mode

Ready to run!

Complete every training map

Shortest run ever

Die before the run begins

Night and Day

Run through all four times of day

Getting better!

Run more than 1000 kimos in a single run in endless mode

Onto the difficult stuff now...

Run more than 2000 kimos in a single run in endless mode

A master at work

Run more than 3000 kimos in a single run in endless mode

Reach the Lab

Reach the Lab

Around the world

Run 250000 kimos total
42,196 / 250,000

Beat the Dev. Be proud.

Run 1000000 kimos total
250,001 / 1,000,000

Còn lại 1 thành tựu ẩn

Chi tiết của mỗi thành tựu sẽ được tiết lộ khi được mở khoá