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64.7 hrs last two weeks / 128.4 hrs on record (22.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 May @ 11:48am
Updated: 7 May @ 9:47am

Early Access Review
Highly ambitious game with a lot of potential

The fact that GZW, despite a rough launch with (expected) server and performance problems is on the verge of mostly positive reviews and is repeatedly played by 60k+ players at primetime, shows how thirsty players are for this kind of gameplay. For me it was a bit of rubberbanding and some disconnects but nothing wild so far fortunately.

Even though it borrows many elements from Tarkov, it is more of a genre mix of gameplay elements from EFT, DayZ and Arma, establishing its very own interpretation of the extraction shooter genre. With the choice between PvPvE (16vs16vs16, 3 playable factions) and pure PvE servers, where the social component always plays a role. Form teams in the base or meet other people during your missions to work together when needed, etc. But it's also a lot of fun and more intense on your own.

The game is currently very hardware hungry and you shouldn't expect high fps without strong hardware. I myself have it running with a 5900x and RTX3080 and see fps in the 70-80 range (DLSS for me, you can get way more with FSR3 and their frame gen tec but i dislike the look and imput lag) “stable” enough and acceptable for now, but hopefully not the end of the optimization. In the end, that's the price for an very good looking open world next gen shooter based on UE5. Seriously it looks extremely good !

Long-term success will depend on how the developers meet the expectations of the players
and continue to expand and improve the game. Especially the endgame content needs a lot of attention so that pvp junkies get their dopamine through high risk high reward gameplay because I personally don't see the extreme long-term motivation through pve alone yet, although the game is currently only about 20% of the planned content and we'll have to wait and see what comes next.

The developers are responsive atm and prioritizing the important things. A bug where you lost some ingame items and (no joke) your head has just been fixed. Luckily i haven't had any serious problems in my 20+ hours so far.

If you can run it and like tactical shooters, highly recommended
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Dom 8 May @ 11:40pm 
thanks guys :)
Badseb 7 May @ 11:04am 
Richie 7 May @ 10:26am 
Klaus 7 May @ 9:52am 