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Замечательная игра для людей с хорошим опытом в IT. В игре очень просто преподнесены самые разные челенджи, и на каждый нужно придумать свой, как можно лучше оптимизированный, алгоритм.
С другой же стороны, на интерактивных примерах игры можно быстро освоить азы программирования на схожем с Python языке
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Skrevet: 5. september 2023.
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Skrevet: 22. juli 2023.
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In the vast, convoluted landscape of mathematics, there has always been a universal truth so fundamental, so deeply ingrained in the fabric of our logical understanding, that to question it is akin to wondering whether cows can tap dance. I speak, of course, of the irrefutable fact that "48 is less than 52". And yet, in recent times, a bold and audacious claim has surfaced: *Could 48, by some cosmic misunderstanding or accounting error, be more than 52?* Such heresy has sent shockwaves through the annals of numerical philosophy, shaking the very foundation of counting itself. Let us embark on this ludicrous, yet strangely compelling, inquiry.

To begin, let's address the elephant in the room: "numbers". You see, numbers are not just cold, emotionless symbols. They are sacred entities, revered across the ages. From the early days of counting rocks to the dizzying algorithms of quantum computing, numbers have been our loyal companions. And yet, out of sheer audacity, some may propose the absurd notion that 48 our plucky, humble integer could somehow be greater than 52. Oh, the horror!

In the classical arithmetic that we, the educated masses, cherish, numbers ascend like a ladder, each rung above its predecessor. But in this topsy-turvy universe that the heretics propose, numbers might as well hop, skip, and cha-cha their way through space, with no regard for rules. In such a universe, why stop at 48 being greater than 52? Why not claim that 5 is bigger than 100 or that zero is the most gigantic number of all? Clearly, anarchy would reign, and calculators would flee in terror.

Let us entertain, if only briefly, the implications of 48 surpassing 52. If 48 can suddenly be more than 52, then who’s to say gravity will still exist tomorrow? Perhaps tomorrow, we’ll wake up, and toast will begin floating around our kitchens, butter side up, laughing in the face of Newton. Maybe all cats will suddenly become dogs. Perhaps every book in the library will start with "the end" and finish with a cliffhanger.

In such a world, everything we've ever known would be cast into a vortex of uncertainty. Entire fields of study would collapse. Economists, who already seem to enjoy making cryptic predictions, would throw their hands in the air and declare the stock market obsolete. Biologists would proclaim that amoebas are actually rhinoceroses, and physicists would abandon string theory for *yarn theory*. Chaos would ensue, all because some fool dared suggest that 48 could be more than 52.

What would become of society if the delicate balance of numbers were upset? Picture the devastation as millions of schoolchildren, their faces pale with confusion, sit bewildered in math class. They had once known the safety of their multiplication tables, but now, these poor souls are asked to accept that "48 might just be more than 52". Their textbooks, rendered useless. Their pencils, trembling in uncertainty.

Adults, too, would suffer. Imagine the chaos at grocery stores: customers haggling with cashiers, demanding discounts because “48 is now greater than 52, so this $48 item is clearly worth more than that $52 one!” The economy would collapse. The global financial system, predicated on basic arithmetic, would crumble like a house of cards, ushering in a new age of barter, where we exchange goats for iPhones.

And think of the personal toll! Spouses would argue over dinner: “Darling, I swear we ordered 52 spring rolls.” “No, dear, you clearly ordered 48 and 48 is *obviously* more than 52 now, so we owe them money!” Marriages, friendships, even international alliances would be torn apart as the confusion spread. World leaders would stare blankly at their GDP charts, scratching their heads, wondering why nothing makes sense anymore. In this bleak future, everyone would question everything. “How many hours are in a day?” “Is Tuesday really before Wednesday?” “Does my dog still love me?”

Let’s not forget the feelings of the number 48. Yes, numbers have feelings too (ask any mathematician during finals week). Poor 48 never wanted this kind of attention. It's a respectable number, sitting comfortably between 47 and 49, minding its own business, never daring to outshine 52. It knows its place in the grand numerical hierarchy, but now it’s being thrust into the limelight, expected to carry the weight of superiority over 52.

In a heart-wrenching interview with the Number Times, 48 lamented, “I never asked for this! I’m just a humble integer. I can’t be more than 52. It’s not in my nature. Please, let me return to my place on the multiplication tables, where I belong.” The number 52, on the other hand, remains stoic, standing tall as a beacon of order in these chaotic times. “I refuse to yield my position,” 52 declared. “I will always be greater than 48, no matter what those heretics say.”

To wrap up this absurdly serious debate, we must return to reason. We have traversed the labyrinth of ridiculousness, wandered through the desert of doubt, and yet, the conclusion remains as clear as the sky on a cloudless day: "48 is less than 52, and it always will be". The notion that this could ever change is as laughable as suggesting that cows will start delivering mail or that the moon is made of Swiss cheese.

This is not just about numbers. It’s about the order of the universe. It’s about the rules that govern our lives. It’s about keeping those rules intact so that when you wake up tomorrow, coffee is still coffee, the sun still rises in the east, and when you count from 48 to 52, you know deep down that you’re moving toward something bigger. If we lose that, what do we have left? Just a chaotic whirlpool of confusion, where nothing makes sense and we are forever adrift in a sea of senseless arithmetic.

Dear reader, let us be grateful that 48 is less than 52. It’s a small but crucial comfort in this unpredictable world.
Skrevet: 22. juli 2023. Sidst redigeret: 13. september.
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сначала ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ гринд потом смешное строительство плавающей ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ а потом ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ сюжет, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ мне с.жет я не в геншин зашел ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Skrevet: 20. juli 2023.
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это ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Skrevet: 19. juli 2023.
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Русофобская ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Skrevet: 11. januar 2023. Sidst redigeret: 9. maj 2023.
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