INsane [dodbits] 22 Φεβ, 17:06 
No news as yet, they still only work if you install the older beta for a 32 bit client. That requires some effort and issues... https://steamproxy.net/app/300/discussions/0/595141473937140521/#c595141473937207247
Zombie_destroyer 22 Φεβ, 6:07 
RCbots 2 not working anymore steam destroy it with new update to 64 bit any news ?
INsane [dodbits] 10 Δεκ 2024, 22:45 
@mattypfc - I don't mind, just note I am in Australia so chatting may be delayed at times. Not installed mods on a Steam deck, (don't have one).
mattypfc 10 Δεκ 2024, 8:19 
Hi Mate, I hope you don't mind me reaching out here. Not sure how else i can. I am struggling with the installation on Sturmbot for use on Linux with DOD on My steam deck. Be great if you could accept my invite and maybe I can message you more details. Thanks in advance - Matt
Iguferon 6 Αυγ 2024, 2:59 
Thanks for helping keep DoD alive.
INsane [dodbits] 1 Ιουλ 2024, 12:48 
@DJ I suppose the "orange" maps started with the small "aim" style maps in CS 1vs1 and such, I think that evolved into "orange" in dod:s with "dod_bsl" made sometime late 2005-2006 and took off during late 2006 and by 2007 a lot of these remakes like dod_orange were made and spread to TF2 and other games.
The .wad file that is the orange texture "Cton_Orange" has a date of Dec 11 2007... https://gamebanana.com/mods/6670 by a person called Zoe101. (insurgency mapper I think)

Looking at the internet archive on old mapping sites I see the map dod_bsl started to appear in August 2006.

Good luck finding who or what "BSL" was :) I couldn't find any dod connections.
Voice DeeJay 30 Ιουν 2024, 19:28 
Ah it seems when i read your credit i misinterpreted it as bsl being in his name and part of the clan i know that BSL was the original creators of orange and whenever i have free time i tey to dig around for into thought i found something bur aparently not lol thank you for responding
INsane [dodbits] 30 Ιουν 2024, 14:52 
@DJ The oldest map I can find of the "dev textured maps" goes back to "dod_bsl" that has dates going back to early-mid 2006 where all others seem to be in 2007.

Is "c-ton" is a member of BSL?

Who BSL were isn't known but it seems "BSL" was a clan, made some simple maps and they took off from dod, then CSS and TF2. "c-ton" has a Gamebanana account... https://gamebanana.com/mods/138248

You can see a "famous" map "dod_orange_ctf" that was "inspried by" a DSL map.

Who were "BSL" ?

Don't know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzQ1sGAmIZ4

Whoever made dod_bsl it looks like that was likely the start of "orange" maps.
Voice DeeJay 30 Ιουν 2024, 1:20 
Hey strange question i saw one of your comunity posts talking about uploading a map pack with Sturmbot waypoints and i saw one of the credits on the maps was c-ton - BSL do you know if the BSL was the clan that he was a part of and if so the name maybe even cton himselfs profile
INsane [dodbits] 8 Μαϊ 2024, 5:22 
@[2CG]-CybaPunk... oh yes please any info' to improve dod (server ops) is always appeciated.
INsane [dodbits] 5 Μαϊ 2024, 17:13 
@ cNr | PERUIBE What you could do is use the Profiles files and set the team there. I take it you want that for a human versus bots set up? See this page on editing "Profiles" of bots manually... https://www.dodbits.com/dods/index.php/dods/rcbot2-for-dod-s/editing-the-bot-profile-files-manually
M O U Z SP/BR 2 Μαϊ 2024, 14:13 
Hi broder! I need a little help! How i do bots Join only axies? Plugin?
[2CG]-CybaPunk 5 Φεβ 2024, 23:24 
i got it working using a config.ini in the metamod folder i can maybe write a tutorial up for you as its easier than messing with HLDS shortcuts. and you can chuck her on your website if you wanted to
INsane [dodbits] 3 Φεβ 2024, 15:38 
This guide was written for a dedicated server to put on a windows Home network (LAN) but the steps should work for a online server too... https://sturmbot.org/index.php/dod-turtorials/day-of-defeat-server-guides/103-day-of-defeat-steam-win-dedicated-server-at-home

Is your OS windows or Linux? Sturmbot with Linux is not good. Shrikebot ...maybe.
[2CG]-CybaPunk 3 Φεβ 2024, 7:00 
hey mate im a new friend of Bullet Lotterys and trying to get Sturmbot to cooperate with Metamod and no luck, is it fruitless or should i just stick to rcon and if if theres any other admin mods you reccomend
trying to keep these old games alive for aussies / kiwi's to enjoy
INsane [dodbits] 3 Φεβ 2024, 6:14 
No problem @Lukas52527, if they we more honest his would not be a issue. The more people know about who they are the better. It's the abuse of other server IP's, the admins using plugins against the server visitors... and the stealing of server names, fake servers and stealing players steam authentication that makes them... unsafe. They say their servers are "full"... the reality is they are full of bots and crap plugin's.

It's pathetic, and unsafe to go on any of their bot servers.
λуkas 3 Φεβ 2024, 4:36 
+rep Thank you for clarify me to the current situation of the Fast Path servers
INsane [dodbits] 3 Ιαν 2024, 4:10 
INsane [dodbits] 2 Ιαν 2024, 21:54 
Here are Fastpath servers.... the "players" with "0" scores are bots, they have no waypoints so they stay in spawn....
https://www.dodbits.com/downloads/posts/fastpath_scum/Bots-stuck-in spawn-custom-server-fastpath-.jpg

About 20 bots. Of couse there could be becuase dod_strand Allied spawn on the beach.

Looks more like 23 bots on fastpaths "full" custom server.

Pathitic, no wonder they are listed last in the server list, all bots and admins using exploits on Fastpath.
INsane [dodbits] 28 Δεκ 2023, 18:30 
@ KissHUN *;--;* Yes it is a pity, it's this that worries me...

Read the reports of attacks, stealing information.

That was the Fastpath IP a while back...

Obviously reading the reports of IP abuse if they went to those lengths, breaking into other servers... and stealing steam auth's proceed to use them and.... pretend they don't run bots... when they obviously do, then cover that to get a server rank.

Then use fake servers to redirect and... ask for payment to unban players.

It is way past safe, it has fraud written all over it.

Their "Admins" are foul mouthed trolls, them and their server manager never comment on why they scan ports of other servers and steal real players names.

It's obviously a scam operation....because the don't answer the questions asked by the community.
KissHUN *;--;* 28 Δεκ 2023, 18:09 
congrat for the 20 year :cleancake:

as for fastpath server, its sad to se how low they are get over the years, last time( 2 years ago) i played on their server regularly, and it was a every day normal dedicated server with real people and many voice chat screams/rage :D

what a shame :sadrandy:
INsane [dodbits] 27 Δεκ 2023, 6:45 
Fastpath server owners are "abusing" game servers IP's?

They need to answer this issue.

Read the reports of attacks, stealing information.

That was the Fastpath IP a while back...

They never answer but clearly they are involved in some grubby tactics against the community.

Grubs...stay away from fastpath.fr and their game servers.

No wonder no game server directory will not rate them.
They don't meet basic community standard's.

INsane [dodbits] 28 Νοε 2023, 0:13 
@ Pfc. T. Scary [1st MRB] Good question. So we are talking about bots using a key here. There is a door waypoint where they are using the "use key" https://sturmbot.org/index.php/sturmbot-tutorials/strumbot-waypoint-tutorials/88-the-updated-sturmbot-waypoint-tutorial-by-rich-weeds-nagel#Door_Waypoint

Next is a jump I suppose, the spacebar but they only have a "Crouch /Jump Waypoint" ... https://sturmbot.org/index.php/sturmbot-tutorials/strumbot-waypoint-tutorials/88-the-updated-sturmbot-waypoint-tutorial-by-rich-weeds-nagel#Crouch_Jump
Cpl. T. Scary [1st MRB] 27 Νοε 2023, 22:14 
Is there a way to get Sturmbots to use the parachute?
INsane [dodbits] 25 Σεπ 2023, 4:45 
Thanks... in 20 years I'll be in my 80's !!!!! Likely still be playing dod.
bruhmoment420 24 Σεπ 2023, 23:24 
CONGRATS ON 20 YEARS OF STEAM. Enjoy another 20 years
INsane [dodbits] 15 Ιαν 2023, 23:08 
sturmbot.org and dodbits.com are back online.
CALH The Demoniac 6 Ιαν 2023, 23:36 
Yes, they are downloadable again. Thanks for helping out!
INsane [dodbits] 6 Ιαν 2023, 16:33 
Designated Cannon Fodder - try again. I had to manually set each "category" like the maps section to allow downloads... frustrating and I hope the issue does not retrurn.
INsane [dodbits] 6 Ιαν 2023, 12:54 
Thanks Designated Cannon Fodder, I'll have to get the person who made the downloads system to look at this.

I was fixed but has returned again.
CALH The Demoniac 6 Ιαν 2023, 2:21 
Hi, can't download your map pack 1, 2, 3 and 4. They are only for registered users...
MasterAEP 26 Νοε 2022, 16:16 
INsane [dodbits] 26 Νοε 2022, 14:19 
MasterAEP and all who noticed this - thanks for telling me.
As strange as it sounds I don't download off my own site... I have my local files for that :)

The issue is now fixed and was hard to find. Public downloads set to allow again.

MasterAEP, thanks again!
Romuluz 26 Νοε 2022, 13:25 
ok, I will try tomorrow
thanks :)
INsane [dodbits] 26 Νοε 2022, 13:12 
MasterAEP it's harder than I thought. My settings for public download are correct but not working.

Try this... http://www.dodbits.com/downloads/dod_1_3/SturmBot_1_9_Steam_ver2.zip
INsane [dodbits] 26 Νοε 2022, 12:27 
MasterAEP sorry about this... the download component of the website changed on an upgrade, I will try and fix.
MasterAEP 22 Νοε 2022, 18:51 
i cant download sturmbot 1.9. its said that i need to login first, do you know how to bypass this?
Romuluz 15 Νοε 2022, 4:57 
Exactly, the same :)
INsane [dodbits] 14 Νοε 2022, 13:45 
Romuluz, I would love to see a battle between Shrikebots and Sturmbots :)
Romuluz 13 Νοε 2022, 11:28 
Ok, INsane, thanks
I was just thinking about mixing Sturmbots with other bots on the same server, but it's still impossible, even with Botmixer or other methods
It is what it is...
INsane [dodbits] 12 Νοε 2022, 13:05 
Hi Romuluz, Sturmbot was authored by Johan Linde aka 'Jowo'.

Read about him here and why a further version isn't possible.

I just make some waypoints along with others and help patch it up/package it on a fan site enough to improve it as good as we could.
Romuluz 11 Νοε 2022, 3:47 
hello Insane, I am interested in the metamod version of your Sturmbot
could you please compile this version for all of us?
we would be grateful :)
INsane [dodbits] 28 Οκτ 2022, 0:46 
Cool Zastels... winning at Caen is hard if both sides are matched up well.
Zastels 26 Οκτ 2022, 13:51 
I'm back again at it, I'm trying to start a 24/7 Caen server because the community needs one and I thought you'd be interested to know.
Zastels 8 Δεκ 2021, 14:21 
Hey man, wanted to chat you up about the history of modding
Loading... 19 Αυγ 2020, 15:26 
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[APG]RoboCop[CL] 17 Ιουν 2019, 9:28 
I know we don't have the src code for SturmBot, but I've made some progress for RCBot2 that works fine for DoDS.
