Damir   Kazakhstan
ANALYST for Insilio []

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94:5 So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief
Team Destiny; Insilio

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Everyone sometimes dreams that someone, strong, smart and kind, would come to the rescue in a difficult hour. So that he would understand your soul, comfort your sorrows, say that everything is fixable - and fix it. So that he was reliable and omnipotent, and with him everything you dream about became fixable and simple. So that he would charge with boundless energy, unshakable faith, which a person lacks so much in the struggle with fate. Because everything in life is possible, you just don't have enough strength, or courage, or money, or knowledge, or desire, or health, and sometimes you can't cope yourself.
Everyone dreams of such a miracle sometimes. About luck. About help. About understanding. About an all-powerful and loving patron friend who will dispel trouble, avert misfortune, and easily accomplish the impossible. He will help you out, save you, will not let you disappear: he will smile, encourage, explain and do everything. And everything will be fine…
A person needs it.
That's why I'm here.
mirth 16 Jun @ 4:45pm 
дамир,можно в друзья как топ 4 бет школы?
kissellkin 16 Jun @ 6:14am 
Когда-нибудь этот лучший мужчина сделает мне роспись, которую я покупал у него на твиче. Кстати, заходите к нему на твич и ютуб. Там лучшие разборы игр тир-1 команд и игроков.
pr1ncefromsky 4 Jun @ 3:30pm 
дамир идём фейсит, я достоин
Onix 18 May @ 1:37pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥, Дамир, как в эту ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ играть? Я разучился уже
damir, sign pls:fhflames:
HDsinsmall 27 Apr @ 10:24am 
sign me :steamhappy: