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fix report system 7 czerwca 2015 o 8:01 
Hey! I came across your perfect world issue post in the steam discussion area, I have the same exact problem. Would like to know if you have been able to solve it yet? I added you! I'll reward you with stuff if you can help me solve it! I'm desperate to play perfectworld.
Peanut 31 stycznia 2015 o 20:45 
udh diaccept bro ada apa
76561198141730065 Blokada handlu 27 stycznia 2015 o 6:43 
hey where are you
Nadeshikocha△ 16 stycznia 2015 o 2:02 
fer accept danang ki
2 Cups 3 stycznia 2015 o 6:46 
Add me we got a lot to talk about bro.
2 Cups 3 stycznia 2015 o 6:41 
Add me. 5k mmr