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:redrose: I work in a museum teaching Australian history. Also a Roman history grad, will answer q's.
:whiterose: I also like photography, hiking, fashion, as well as neo-psychedelic and ambience music.
:redrose: Fav anime: Jojo (3>8>7>5>2>6>1>4), Sonny boy, Perfect Blue, Arjuna, The Wind Rises.
:whiterose: Psychonaut. LSD, psilocybin, DMT/ayahuasca.
Listen to this at least daily (2010)
And also this (2020) :summer2019city:
Stay tuned for 2030!
[IPL] VirtuousLiam 4 Jun @ 7:17am 
Mao once said in a private conversation with Deng the following:
"There are only 3 types of gamers, Reactionaries, Counter-Revolutionaries, and Revisionists."
microse 27 May @ 1:35pm 
i dont believe i have you blocked dr saurson, how come you didnt come to my profile and say something about it instead of calling me names? ^^;;
microse 27 May @ 12:52pm 
sorry if i made you uncomfortable, id comment this on your page but its private ^^;;
microse 27 May @ 12:51pm 
saurson I added you cause your profile was interesting & you didnt have anything weird (that i could find, i mightve just looked bad, but that was after going through a few links) Youre dino!! im srry i havent been texting much since ive been dealing with some stuff, but i dont think calling people names is the solution to anything ^^;; how come youre still on my profile after removing me? just curious,, also whyd your profile go private?
eranji 25 May @ 3:47am 
nonce ens
Talcyon 25 May @ 1:15am 