♔DemonicWolf24♔ 2022. máj. 21., 12:55 
* LGG * WARPAW 2016. júl. 4., 13:28 
how are you doing
DivaBebopinYou 2015. jan. 4., 11:37 
WOW!!! Damn there goes someone's life just got heavy!
|AP|BANG 2015. jan. 4., 11:17 
he got a kid now an ♥♥♥♥
|AP|BANG 2015. jan. 4., 11:17 
His ass on FB
DivaBebopinYou 2015. jan. 4., 11:15 
I have no Idea. What happen?
|AP|BANG 2015. jan. 4., 8:33 
hey bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where d3m0n?
Carrick 2011. dec. 18., 12:18 
yea man ill try itoutif u have extras
Carrick 2011. szept. 27., 18:59 
lol thats not creepy
DivaBebopinYou 2011. szept. 25., 6:40 
lol i know. See ya around bud
Carrick 2011. szept. 20., 14:11 
hey broski u have to say on longer
Carrick 2011. aug. 25., 10:02 
so were the ♥♥♥♥ have u been
Durin Tholgrin 2011. aug. 19., 15:25 
Diva contact me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for really
lovebird 2011. aug. 8., 17:10 
i need you to contact me asap
Carrick 2011. júl. 24., 20:47 
i finished both hitmans
Durin Tholgrin 2011. máj. 21., 22:57 
yeah but when you're diva you get MIGXICANS!
Carrick 2011. máj. 21., 11:21 
haha not all of them but most
Carrick 2011. máj. 9., 13:46 
u are rich
DivaBebopinYou 2010. jún. 11., 15:44 
Ganja Master (420) 2010. jún. 11., 15:32 
Yo diva BLAZE IT !
Grantelbot 2009. nov. 22., 6:38 
SH is a cool game thanks for letting me try out
DivaBebopinYou 2009. szept. 21., 9:34 
lol. I had over 200 some people on my Flist now its 145.
coopbag 2009. szept. 21., 8:18 
lol asses like that..... eminie or how ever u spell it
DivaBebopinYou 2009. szept. 15., 16:04 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idoits sending me links to get my account information. The Next person to do that to be will be taken off my Friends List. I don't ♥♥♥♥ around with asses like that.
Pirate!.cfg 2009. aug. 6., 14:13 
DivaBebopinYou 2009. júl. 22., 16:58 
I am loving my Zboard :D
DivaBebopinYou 2009. júl. 19., 21:25 
StarFox or something that is Nintendo related.
FiscalBasilisk 2009. júl. 19., 8:25 
I'd be willing to try. What kind of mod would you want to make?
DivaBebopinYou 2009. júl. 17., 5:30 
Who wants to make a mod?
FiscalBasilisk 2009. júl. 16., 19:43 
my computer exploded. with fire and sparks
DivaBebopinYou 2009. júl. 15., 16:36 
Only if you brains exploded frist.
Pirate!.cfg 2009. júl. 11., 17:03 
your computer essplodeded?
DivaBebopinYou 2009. júl. 3., 17:34 
My computer is getting close to exploding >.<
FiscalBasilisk 2009. júl. 2., 18:58 
Heya Diva. Sorry I haven't been on lately. My computer exploded