United States
The night that the fierce typhoon passed, I was looking down on the city from the top of a tall building
The wind still a little erratic, tearing at the edge of its departure
The lights of the houses nearby shimmered like through searing air
I've never witnessed a scene like, though I was used to seeing it

Faceit: [www.faceit.com]

CSGO-BMdxP-3VGmm-t5WTa-MKd7v-uP3ED - mine (big green)
CSGO-jAEEB-VmNDJ-zShuZ-nUrs3-tXcNE - mine (small green)
CSGO-nZtvh-OuH8y-H626d-4Ot5n-yrmHB - mine (white)
CSGO-PKBU6-kRJ3D-K6HsC-HcNwn-NZGiJ- mine but a blue color

Commands: bot_kick; mp_teammates_are_enemies 1; sv_cheats 1; sv_infinite_ammo 2; mp_buy_allow_grenades 1; mp_warmuptime 760; sv_grenade_trajectory 1; sv_showimpacts 2; mp_humanteam any; mp_limitteams 0

logaddress_add 1

A: pd

Discovery of Gravitation

the beautiful uncut hair of graves

some good food, some bad laughs, some nice friends.
Crestfallen Warrior
Countless starlight sparkled and rained down, as the heads of two young people slowly became one.
:bonfire2: :UltimateSheep:


u think its a joke?

u think I am a clown?

u are lucky that no flyes rightnow

u are at my list

son of dog

"It is always a matter, my darling,
Of life or death, as I had forgotten. I wish
What I wished you before, but harder."

"Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars."

number row

"6" = "cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshaircolor 1; cl_Crosshairgap -2; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairthickness 1; cl_Crosshairalpha 255"

"cl_Crosshairsize 1; cl_crosshairthickness 0.5; cl_crosshairgap -2; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1; cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1; cl_Crosshaircolor 5; cl_Crosshairalpha 200" WHITE CROSSHAIR

"7" = "buymenu"
"8" = "buy vest"
"9" = "buy vesthelm"
"0" = "BUY AK47; BUY M4A1"
"-" = "buy defuser"
"=" = "buy awp"

row 1 (qwerty)
"q" = "use weapon_smokegrenade"
"r" = "+reload; r_cleardecals"
"t" = "+jump; -attack; -attack2; -jump"
"i" = "buy molotov"
"o" = "buy hegrenade"
"[" = "viewmodel offset_y 2; viewmodel_offset_x 0; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_fov 90; cl_bobcycle 0.98; cl_bob_lower_amt 10; zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 0.819"
"]" = "incrementvar cl_Crosshairsize 2 9000 8998"

row 2 (asdf)
"f" = "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals"
"h" = "NOCLIP"
"j" = "sv_rethrow_last_grenade"
"k" = "buy smokegrenade"
"l" = "buy flashbang"
"'" = "buy defuser" (single quote next to enter) -- usually use this one for defuser

row 3
"z" = "radio"
"x" = "player_ping"
"c" = "use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang"
"v" = "+voicerecord; r_cleardecals"
"b" = "use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade"
"," = "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1"
"." = "incrementvar spec_show_xray 0 1 1"
"/" = "teammenu"
"m" = "-attack; -attack2"

"uparrow" = "buymenu"
"mouse4" = "use weapon_hegrenade" (easier than "n" for he grenade i think) (mouse button closer to me)
"mouse5" = "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 0.75 0.50; r_Cleardecals" (mouse button farther from me, into the page)
"mwheelup" = "+jump"
"mwheeldown" = "+jump"
volume 0.3, windows 30

q -> smoke, close for quickness molotov extinguish
c -> flash (quick double flash bind)
b -> molly, not as important
mouse4 -> (out of the page) high explosive
mouse5 -> (into page) radar bind



it's never-ending analysis that wounds us.
Why not circle away in the seasons, adrift

on the Great Transformation, riding its vast
swells without fear or delight? Once your

time comes to an end, you end: not another
moment lost to all those lonely worries.
Currently Offline
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5,998 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
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last played on 22 Feb
17.7 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
🔥Yggrdana⭐ 22 Feb @ 10:09am 
keeps improving
Windhunter 26 Dec, 2024 @ 11:58am 
tactical brilliance
Kami 10 Dec, 2024 @ 11:48am 
Great play!
Tygrardana 6 Dec, 2024 @ 8:05am 
+rep superb game sense
JAMEStheGREAT3™ 12 Oct, 2024 @ 8:29pm 
+rep, a non-toxic top 1k player
Fre-e- 12 Oct, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
worst player ive ever seen