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Análises recentes de dimebar!

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2.9 horas registradas
This game is good overall but some parts are just a little bit too tedious. I was expecting a 'Theme Hospital but for tube stations' and in some ways it is that, but the micromanagement of employees and the procurement tree is off-putting. I want to be solving the foot traffic problems and creating ingenious solutions to rush hour jams, not trying to work out why there's been a poop next to my turnstile for an entire day, or why a staff member goes from emptying the bins to assisting unconscious people and back without even washing their hands.
Publicada em 18 de outubro de 2020.
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15.5 horas registradas
The battle mechanics have been ruined by the magical elements. It's essentially a dice-rolling exercise and your skill as a commander is secondary to buffs and magic. It should be called Warhammer: Total War instead of Total War: Warhammer.
Publicada em 12 de setembro de 2020.
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