Xian, Shaanxi, China
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Origin account: devilsyuri
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Lord of Mysteries 诡秘之主观众途径序列7心理医生

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I got no idea about copyrights in early years, and played a lot pirated games. I have to pay those debts now.

Share a word which i read on internet: Closed game is like faded youth. We can never return to the old days, but the dreams we took delight in sharing still be there.
从网上分享给大家一段话: 逝去的游戏就是逝去的青春。那些日子永远回不去了,但津津乐道的梦还在。

An awesome background music of a game should bring back the memory to your. I love to listen original sound track of old games with my eyes closed and recall the fun time playing them.

Take this as glory, not something for show off.

Вітрина знімків екрана
Life is Strange™
Вітрина знімків екрана
Counter-Strike 2
Вітрина перфекціоніста
Улюблена гра
4 621
Годин проведено
Вітрина рецензій
45 год. проведено
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
Our boots an' our clothes boys are all in the pawn,
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

Soon we'll be warping her out through the locks,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
Where the pretty young gals all come down in their flocks,
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

Come breast the bars, bullies, an' heave her away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
Soon we'll be rollin' her 'way down through the Bay,
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Way, ay, roll an' go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!
Вітрина майстерні
惊涛落日以日冕中的神州为背景,为日冕mod创作的战歌。 神州电音——是属于红警3日冕mod企划中的子企划,用于收编日冕制作组制作或获得授权的音乐作品,并以音乐视频的方式发布。神州国包容开放,文化也海纳百川,因此神州电音企划的音乐风格将不仅限于电音,更不仅限于古风,而是一个拥有神州特色的多元化音乐合辑 作曲:磨蹭_platix_zhang 混音:克艾尔西 曲绘:林凯诺夫 视频制作:白鲲 来自:
Оцінок: 22
Автор(и): Devi1syuri
Вітрина найрідкісніших досягнень
Улюблена група
У грі
У мережі
У чаті
Остання активність
71 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 7 берез.
404 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 7 берез.
4 621 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 7 берез.
October Rain. 4 берез. о 4:27 
Hope u still happy
October Rain. 3 берез. о 10:29 
happy everyday my friend
Rosaz 30 січ. о 23:06 
peachland 30 січ. о 20:38 
双葉 28 січ. о 23:04 
OtisBlanca 6 жовт. 2024 о 22:39 
送你一首反方向的钟~querido ¡Feliz Fiesta Nacional! :)