Name geändert.

Perlen des CS Matchmaking Chats (ongoing):

06.07.2024 - [T] ● Big Boss‎ [DEAD]: 1 peper
10.06.2024 - [ALL] ● Rollin‎: whre you was heted
26.04.2024 - [T] tentt‎﹫T Start: pghs=purple have great sister
24.04.2024 - Yapee‎: I are emptyheaded
29.03.2024 - Horvla‎ [DEAD]: my blue is gay
08.03.2024 - P90_Nike‎: i am from Astrali
08.03.2024 - [ALL] P90_Nike‎ [DEAD]: in london i meat your mum
01.03.2024 - 🔥Fire🔥‎ [DEAD]: we is not I gess
22.11.2021 - *DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) 弱い‎ : i have first position on TAB
22.09.2021 - ✪ OpTicIND | Forsaken‎ : report yellow if you can griefing
30.09.2020 - (Terrorist) XIl‎ @ T Start : WHY ARE U REPORT HIM
12.11.2019 - (Terrorist) pin1ker赛 𝔏赛‎ @ T-Start : I AM SPAIFANDER

Ich bin nicht toxisch, nur weil du kritikunfähig bist.
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...Bärlauch, Basilikum, Bohnenkraut, Chili, Curry, Dill, Estragon, Fenchel, Ingwer, Kadamom, Knoblauch, Koriander, Kümmel, Kurkuma, Lavendel, Lorbeer, Majoran, Minze, Muskat, Nelke, Oregano, Paprika, Petersilie, Pfeffer, Piment, Rosmarin, Safran, Salbei, Senf, Sternanis, Thymian, Vanille, Wacholder, Zimt.
HaZe 21 lug, ore 3:12 
keine Ahnung wie man nach so vielen Spielstunden immer noch so beschissen sein kann
einfach traurig, zock lieber was anderes
-_- gg? 21 lug, ore 2:36 
haha 5k h
Nutellafreak 15 lug, ore 10:44 
nice trash talk but play like a bot
TheoRetisch 9 lug, ore 10:21 
no skill just cheats
ScOrTaL 9 giu, ore 12:27 
White CIGI 3 giu, ore 11:47 