♚ Mehai Emenescu ♚
"It's not always about putting the 5 strongest players you can find and trying to do well.. CS is a lot more than that" Nathan '' NBK'' Schimit - NiP

Nume: dRx :steamhappy:
Clan: |^eK^| (EliteKillerZ) :steamsad:
Arma Preferata: Ak-47 :steamhappy:
Server Preferat: :steamhappy:
Skill Level: Aproape Global dar unranked. :steamsalty:
Motto: Ultimu' glont,headshot din prima. :steamfacepalm:
Momenteel offline
The philip 29 feb 2016 om 7:51 
+rep the best friend ever
snk 26 feb 2016 om 22:46 
+rep aici la Mia Khalifa
RICH (2) 17 feb 2016 om 4:06 