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4 people found this review helpful
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3.8 hrs on record
The puzzles are in the category of games journalist diffficulty. If I'm high as a kite and can still finish the campaign with all extra content, then there's not much of a puzzle, is it?!

It has so many good ideas, but ultimately you can solve the puzzles with the most random solutions not utilizing half of the play space.
Posted 23 July, 2024. Last edited 23 July, 2024.
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16.6 hrs on record
This game is a nihilistic game that presents itself not wanting to get played in service of many secrets that can be uncovered.
If you want a good amount of sokoban styled puzzles then maybe finish the game once and don't come back.

On the surface prospect you're dealing with a sokoban puzzler that quickly deranges itself from a very uninspired story of betrayal to a convoluted mess of boring anime game with needless super sexy scenes that makes it look like a second generation fanfiction retelling of what used to be a mystery drama.

The "normal" gameplay is quite alright but as soon as you get the option to go deeper you will be met with the terrible content of the creator, employing game mechanics that actively hinder you to progress that mostly feels like playing a joke on the player. The game will not value your time, it will reset progress explicitly and accidentally in the service of its layers of mystery instead of staying a good puzzle game.

If you're looking up discussion on the game you will find comments in defense that the game will provide you the tools to become more efficient at progressing the game to allow for much better flow of uncovering secrets and that's true. You will, however, discover these tools much, much later than the time the game reset your progress multiple times already unless you're playing with a guide - at which point you may just look up the secrets instead.
Posted 27 December, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record
This game disguises itself as a clever puzzle game, but every time I thought I was stuck, I reminded myself that the game so far only had obvious solutions.

It's so sad, too. It has a good presentation, it has great mechanics but never goes anywhere with it.
I wish someone would make puzzles for the mechanics at hand.

Can't recommend buying it as a puzzle game. If you're looking for a whimsical walking simulator with some cool mechanics inbetween, then that's your jam.
Playtime is short.
Posted 20 July, 2023.
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15 people found this review helpful
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7.7 hrs on record
Current recommendation: Buy on sale or skip.

This game is not worth your time currently. Not even for a sale.
The few and short vistas you visit are looking nice, but are constantly diminished by poorly optimized graphics, noisy particle effects and a lot of things feel slightly off. The story, world themes and backstory is nothing to brag home about.
I hoped the game was much more, but sadly it wasn't.

Please, do your own research, but at the time of writing this is a janky fest of tireless game mechanics based on poorly optimized physics puzzles.

Puzzles & Mechanics
The variety of puzzles is mostly meager, there is - if you had tighter controls on the game - probably 2-3 hours of puzzle content here. All of the puzzles I've encountered have user feeedback issues and end in guesstimating the controls while hoping that you've fiddled with it just right.

Reminding you, this game has been 4-5 years in development at this point and I'm not exaggerating when saying that this game broke every mechanic it had.
- The options greet you with a very visible option to "Teleport to a safe location", which already had me wondering
- The game got multiple times stuck in movement
- The narrator is apparently getting stuck within the first 15 minutes in your game. If you're lucky, restarting the game or starting a new playthrough may help.
- The first puzzle you encounter can be easily broken on the first interaction you have with it.
- There's a two-point crane puzzle that has you do relatively mundane puzzle stuff, that gets constantly blocked. This crane alone broke so many times on me in different ways, that it could need its own review alone.
- The games credits roll, the first person needle is stuck on screen. The main menu shows - and it's locked up. All that can be done is forcing the game to quit. What a fitting ending to a janky game.

There are not a lot of puzzles and some of them fall either in the category of intentionally misleading or straight up annoying. There's a connection based puzzle that has intentional markers that has nothing to do with the solution. The markings are put very prominently in the view of the player.
Another group of puzzles require you to put on a suit. The primary suit puzzle has one specific segment, where it presents you with the problem of having indestructible obstacles, but for some reason your left-handed tool can just reach through it. This is an area where the game suddenly restricts your view more akin to a 4:3 view, which gets disorienting fast. This is worsened by the puzzle design, that requires you to get a good understanding of the place and look into any direction, particularly top and bottom.
I found that really most puzzles suffer from being unable to observe the puzzle state and hard to see the important aspects of it, leaving most of it to guessing and hoping it's fitting without forming a mental model of the puzzle or solution.
Lastly, I've missed the part where your primary interaction gets upgrades. The following section is primarily aimed at the developer and hidden due to its spoilery nature:

So, the hand armament needs an upgrade and you walk down this lavish hall. There's a door with an interaction point, which rushes you deeper within to open the shutters. Just behind you is the augmentation device - that you need to continue the game. I've missed the part to insert anything into it, as it gave no indication that the tool needs to be placed within. This was supported by the fact that the opening animation needed to be finished before the tool inserts itself if you're standing just close enough.
So, let me picture an alternative solution:
You walk down the stairs, the augmentation device greets you. The player walks around it and it presents itself, staying open once you've looked at it. There's no door, there's no shortcut. You need to eventually place the device to continue - on which the elevator descends, you're presented the augmentation puzzle and two doors open. One with the shutters, one with the shortcut, preventing players to miss this important upgrade to the game.
It does not help, that you have to play the game for quite some time before getting these locked upgrades, but presented to you within the first minute of the game is a book detailing these things.

As previously mentioned, the vistas do look nice. It looks most of the time good, however I always felt that the central location could be much more pompous. Most of the fidelity issues could likely be solved by more traditional approaches, for example static lighting and shadow maps for all the static scenery.
Performance is alright, but even my system was lightly sweating with medium-to-high graphical settings. If you can, focus initially on having post-processing as high as possible, as the first scene otherwise looks atrocious.

I'd say that the story is on the surface alright, the premise of it is even good. The presentation is done via a narrator/companion that constantly talks to you. The takeaway is that it's alright, but obtuse.
Following are heavy story spoilers.

Please, if you intend to play the game, do not keep reading this spoiler.
- One thing that constantly bugged me is that the companion reminds you often that she cannot interact with you or see anything, but reacts to every interaction you have on the world. This could be somewhat explained by the ending, but the background lore doesn't give enough way to allow for that.
- The narrator explains in the end, that she forced you to learn other characters names and their lives - as the game keeps you intentionally obtuse of what it used to be to live in the Firmament and you see the Keepers names once for a brief moment. It never forms a connection or contextualizes prior Keepers and their ways except in one point.
- The ending reveals that the primary character which broke the Firmament won the role by lottery and is well known to be mentally unfit for that position. Why that person still was chosen is never explained and causes the story to be entirely pointless.

I cannot comment on the VR part.
Posted 21 May, 2023. Last edited 22 May, 2023.
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48.3 hrs on record (31.9 hrs at review time)
Good first person rogue light, can get insanely fun and broken.
Posted 28 November, 2021.
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24.3 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
A purely curiosity driven game. And the best one at that.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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29.9 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Flag is win,
Baba is you.
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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59.0 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
Among the best roguelike card / deck builders out there. There is a lot of variety content, has Workshop support, can run even on toasters and is getting addictive fast!
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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60.5 hrs on record (58.7 hrs at review time)
Praise the sun.
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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27.1 hrs on record (25.3 hrs at review time)
You got Diablo 3 and feel disappointed?

Get Torchlight II. I played many hours and the multiplayer is fun too. The netcode is fine and you can do rediculous builds with every class. It's fast and looks great.

10/10 - would buy again.
Posted 28 December, 2013.
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