DarkLderp11 [MyLittlePWNy]
R. Funke   South Elgin, Illinois, United States
If you wanna know how I got all the quests done in one day, I typed caqs in the console for Skyrim. It crashes your game though and sucks the fun out of the game. :P

My other profile which I use for shooters and another tf2 things would be

I also play Minecraft, Terraria Cracked, and War Inc Battlezone, Aliance of Valiant Arms, and The Elder Scrolls IV:Skyrim

I like to play TF2 a
I like to piss people off and my temper can get very very very very very very very very bad. Oh did I mention I love minecraft?
Anyways I can be a good person and I LOVE COOKIES


So if you think you can beat me, try to, cause in the end of the day, as long as two people are alive in the world, someone is gonna want someone dead. -The Sniper

If you want some good quotes here are my favorites from Team Fortress 2

How am I going to stop some big mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind? The answer: use a gun. And if that don't work... use more gun.
— The Engineer on defensive measures.

You are like sleeping soldier who just stands at base instead of running to point.

-The Heavy, failing to understand what idling is

Some people think they can outsmart me - maybe... maybe. I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.

— The Heavy on intelligence

Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer — that means I solve problems.
Not problems like 'What is beauty?' because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
I solve practical problems.
— The Engineer on his profession

Watch this video if you're awesome

More awesome Heavy videos(All credit goes to Gmodexpo)




I like freezing and taking pics of spy-cicle :P

B_CANSIN 2014年8月15日 22時00分 
I am clearing my friend list I reached my maximum limit if you want to add me again you can + DON'T DELETE THIS COMMENT (BECAUSE I NEED REMEMBER YOU WITH THIS)
DarkLderp11 [MyLittlePWNy] 2012年2月3日 13時59分 there is a monoculous and bombinonicon server