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張貼於:2018 年 1 月 13 日 下午 7:09

This program is a clone/spiritual successor to old painting application called Deluxe Paint, often abbreviated as DPaint, which was used in many PC and Amiga titles such as, for example, Jazz Jackrabbit and Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Because of this, the workflow is quite similar between the two.

As for myself, I've never used Deluxe Paint, but the workflow and especially brushes and animbrushes simply make so much more sense than most of the modern pixel art programs such as Aseprite, Graphics Gale or even Pyxel Edit that I wonder why there aren't more DPaint clones around that aren't either abandoned or non-functional.

If you are a pixel artist, do yourself a favor and buy it. It isn't expensive compared to how it used to be (and those extra few bucks compared with other paid pixel art packages are worth it).

The only real alternative to it, other than getting ahold of DPaint itself (which has a dubious legal status as it's not officially sold anymore and you are either going to buy second-hand disks that may not work or use pirated/abandonware sites to obtain it), is Grafx2, which is free and open-source, but... let's just say that with such UI only its programmer can love Grafx2 :).
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