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đánh giá
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Đánh giá gần đây bởi DANTARION

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Before I played Frog Fractions, I was a sad and miserable husk of a human being. I was short, ugly, poor, and didn't know anything about fractions or even frogs.

After completing Frog Fractions, my life has turned around for the best, and while I understand that some people may not believe that the game can take any credit for this improvement, I completely disagree.

This game has something for everyone. Its got frogs, its got a turtle, its got a dragon, its got bugs. I used to have a fear of bugs, but after forcing myself to be exposed to them for hours playing this game, some of my best friends are now bugs. I have also learned about not only fractions, but many other math related topics, such as economics, law, video production, and boxing.

I am on my way to accomplishing my goal of being a real life astronaut.

"If you haven't played Frog Fractions, you should play Frog Fractions". Don't watch this game on Twitch. Don't read articles about Frog Fractions. STOP READING THIS REVIEW.

Some people my argue that Frog Fractions isn't a video game, and I agree. Its an experience that will change your life, and you will think of your life as B.F.F. and A.F.F. I played the original version, and this version is even better.

The only negative is that the DLC only provides one hat option, and while it is iconic, I really would have liked to have seen one of those of beanies with a propeller on it as an option. When I dream of Hop, hes not wearing his normal hat, hes wearing one of those. Do those even work? Are they real? I'm going to ask my therapist about this soon.
Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 08, 2020.
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