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just incase you didn't know i identify as all of these - agender. 1. Some who call themselves agender have no gender identity (genderless). 2. Some who call themselves agender have a gender identity, which isn't female or male, but neutral.[1] In cassolotl's Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, 445 respondents identified as agender. In cassolotl's Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 944 respondents identified as agender. - androgyne. This word is used for a wide variety of gender nonconforming and non-binary gender identities and gender expressions.[1] Number of survey respondents who identified as androgyne: 346 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 380 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - bigender, or bi-gender.[1] Bigender individuals have two gender identities, at the same time, or at different times.[2] These two genders might be female and male. Number of bigender survey respondents: 137 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 123 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - burrnesha, or sworn virgins. In Albania, the Burrnesha are people assigned female at birth who have a masculine gender expression and role, and were traditionally considered neither female nor male. This tradition goes back to at least the 1400s, and is still practiced.[3][4] - butch.[1] A queer masculine gender identity or expression, which some see as a nonbinary gender. In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, only 5 respondents labeled their gender identity as butch, but it is very common in the wider LGBT community.
D - demigender.[1] An umbrella term for nonbinary gender identities that have a partial connection to a certain gender, such as demiboy (male-like, or both male and genderless)[5][1], and demigirl (female-like, or both female and genderless.[6]). In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 452 respondents identified as demigender. - enby (plural: enbies).[1] Created in 2013 by a nonbinary person named vector, going by the username revolutionator.[7] Based on an initialism of "non-binary," "NB". A common noun for a person with a nonbinary gender identity, meaning this is the nonbinary gender equivalent of the common nouns "boy" or "girl." In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 477 respondents said they identified as enbies. - fa'afafine. In Samoa, the Fa'afafine are people assigned male at birth who have a feminine gender expression, and who don't think of themselves as female or male.[8] - femme.[1] A queer feminine gender, which some use as a nonbinary identity. In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, only 14 respondents labeled their gender identities as femme, but it is very common in the wider LGBT community. - genderfluid, also called gender-fluid or fluid gender.[1] A gender identity that often changes, so that a person may feel one day like a boy, and another day like a girl, for example. Number of respondents who identified as genderfluid: 645 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 942 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - genderflux. Coined by deergoths in 2014, who said, "Whereas genderfluidity is a shift between different genders, genderflux is more like varying intensity." A gender identity that often changes in intensity, so that a person may feel one day as though they have almost no gender, or none at all, and another day they feel very gendered.[1] In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 25 respondents identified as genderflux. - genderless.[1] Having no gender identity. Syn. agender. In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 17 respondents used the word "genderless" for their identities. - genderqueer[1] is a non-normative gender identity or expression. This can be either an umbrella term, or a specific identity. Number of respondents who used the word "genderqueer" for their identities: 1202 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 1243 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - Hijra. In south Asian countries including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, the Hijra are people assigned male at birth who have a feminine gender expression. This is a very ancient tradition. Today, Hijra are legally recognized as a gender other than female or male.[9][10][11][12][13][14] In 1996, there were an estimated 50,000 hijra in India alone.[15] - intergender.[1] Coined in the 1990s or earlier. A certain nonbinary gender identity in between female and male. In the 1990s, this was an identity label that any person could use, even if they were born with non-intersex (dyadic) bodies,[16] but others say it should only be used by people who were born with intersex bodies. Number of survey respondents who identified as intergender: 46 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 47 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - Māhū. In Hawaii, the Māhū is a nonbinary gender role, made of people who can be either AFAB or AMAB. This tradition existed before Western invaders, and survives today.[17] - maverique.[1] Coined by Vesper H. (queerascat) in 2014. A specific nonbinary gender identity "characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender."[18] In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 12 respondents identified as maverique. - neutral, or gender neutral.[1] 1. Having no gender identity. 2. Having a gender identity that is neutral: not female, not male, not a mix. In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, 348 respondents labeled their gender identity as neutral. In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 420 respondents used the word "neutral" for their gender identities. - neutrois.[1] Coined by a neutrois person named H. A. Burnham in 1995.[19] Having one non-binary gender identity that is neutral. Not female, not male, and not a mix. Some neutrois people are transsexual, experience gender dysphoria, and want to get a physical transition.[20] Number of survey respondents who identified as neutrois: 144 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 207 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - ninauposkitzipxpe. In North America, the Blackfoot Confederacy recognizes a gender called ninauposkitzipxpe, "manly-hearted women," who are assigned female at birth, and occupy a gender role different from that of women and men.[21] - nonbinary[1] is an umbrella term for all who don't identify as just female or male. Though there are many kinds of nonbinary gender identities, some people identify as "nonbinary" only, or in addition to other labels for their gender identity. Number of survey respondents who used the word "nonbinary" for their gender identity: 796 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 1975 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - quariwarmi. In Peru, the pre-colonial Incas recognized quariwarmi, a nonbinary mixed-gender role.[22] - queer.[1] A reclaimed slur for the LGBT+ community, and an umbrella term for identities that are not heterosexual and/or not cisgender. Some people use this as the name for their nonbinary gender identity. - sekhet. In ancient Egypt (Middle Kingdom, 2000-1800 BCE), there were said to be three genders of humans: men, sekhet, and women, in that order. Archaeologists differ about the meaning. Sekhet is usually translated as "eunuch," but that's likely an oversimplification, and there's little evidence they were castrated. It may also mean cisgender gay men, in the sense of not having children.[23] Although we aren't sure of the definition, it was nonetheless a separate category of gender. - third gender. Number of survey respondents who used the words "third gender" for themselves: 87 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2013, and 84 in Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016. - trans feminine, or transfeminine.[1] A transgender person who transitions in a feminine direction, but who doesn't necessarily identify as female. They may have a non-binary gender identity. In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 200 respondents identified as transfeminine. - trans masculine, or transmasculine. In Nonbinary Stats Survey 2016, 434 respondents identified as transmasculine. - Two-Spirit, formerly called berdache. Hundreds of cultures throughout North and South
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survivor CSGOFAST.COM 21 Mar, 2018 @ 12:43pm 
Happy Birthday sir!
crab 2 Feb, 2017 @ 4:28pm 
HEY GIVING AWAY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ H1Z1 CODE!
iTzDaN 5 Sep, 2016 @ 9:16pm 
It’s the end of COCKtober 😫🎃🍆 but that means the beginning of 💦💦💦 HOEvember!! 💦💦👅 get ready 😱 for SPANKS-GIVING 👋😏🍑 send this to 1️⃣4️⃣ hoes who need to be spanked 🙌🏼 by daddy 💘👦🏽🗣 if you get this message 📧💌 you will get a special 😲 spanking 👏 from SUGAR DADDY 🤑💰💶 forward this to 1️⃣4️⃣ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 💁💋👛 to get some 🍑👈 in-the-BUTT-ACTION 💨 If you don’t, 😖 be prepared 😰 for 6️⃣9️⃣ days without the D ❌🚫🆘
flavored snackz 3 Sep, 2016 @ 8:42pm 
Pika hat was a turn on
kelpshav 4 Aug, 2016 @ 8:06pm 
Put this on the profile of people who are known/wanted terrorists
that were involved in the September 11th, 2001 attacks.
British Traffic Cone 2 Aug, 2016 @ 3:32pm 
♥♥♥♥ a pregnant ♥♥♥♥♥, tell my friends i had a threesome