
Dalton の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 23.3 時間 (レビュー時に20.9時間)
I HIGHLY suggest to avoid this game in early access even if the price point isn't bad. The premise of the game is AMAZING I love everything about the concept of this game. The art is spectacular! The characters are cute, the guns are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ great. The boss fights range from fun to challenging! The core mechanics work really well together!! On paper this game Is a smash hit and is worth way more than 16 or 17 dollars(I know early access attributes to that). Why I would suggest you not buy this game yet is because I've only encountered bugs that have hard locked me out of finishing the game. One time I couldn't heal and then another time I couldn't get out of an area I didn't have the ability to navigate out of. So suffice to say all 20 hours had to be deleted and I can't get myself to keep restarting from the beginning. WAIT FOR THIS GAME TO GET UPDATED BETTER BEFORE BUYING!!!
投稿日 6月6日. 最終更新日 6月6日
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