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Recent reviews by 人工智障大火柴

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168 people found this review helpful
161 people found this review funny
37.6 hrs on record (37.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 8 May, 2017. Last edited 8 May, 2017.
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327 people found this review helpful
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14.5 hrs on record
只有一张票 只能拉平一只智障
Posted 28 April, 2017. Last edited 28 April, 2017.
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227 people found this review helpful
6 people found this review funny
26.5 hrs on record
Posted 28 April, 2017.
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20 people found this review helpful
8 people found this review funny
4.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
For the King
Posted 7 March, 2017.
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75 people found this review helpful
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18.4 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
对这款游戏来说 点个推荐就可以了,无需多言 留给玩家们慢慢体会吧~
Posted 2 March, 2017. Last edited 3 March, 2017.
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37 people found this review helpful
5 people found this review funny
17.0 hrs on record
这款游戏彻底根治了自己多年的手残与脑残, 只需一个疗程 效果拔群!
一款游戏兼顾 音乐 、美术、 剧情、 游戏性 , 自己没有理由不推荐
游戏的解谜部分涉及很多物理知识:浮力、杠杆、光的反射、磁力 等等
不只如此 解开谜题后还要搭配一气呵成的操作才可以通过关卡(后期地上碎石很多容易打滑,无形增加了难度)
(自己在抢先体验阶段就已入库,除去早期价格实惠外 正式版还加入了简体中文,不能更赞!)
Boss战填补了游戏动作要素匮乏的部分,并不是很难都有规律可循, 很容易想起玩2D恶魔城和洛克人的时光
Posted 20 February, 2017. Last edited 24 February, 2017.
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72 people found this review helpful
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0.9 hrs on record
TGP: 走遍全天下没有这个价,走遍全中国最赔就是我!
实体版: 送精美明信片音乐CD! 包邮哦 亲~
G胖: 俺们这嘎能退款。。。
PS:吐槽台湾配音的,估计童年里没有《Slam Dunk》《中华小当家》和《犬夜叉》吧
写过作文的都知道,最累最花时间的不是写字的时候,而是构思文章内容的时候,我觉得这款游戏在最重要的玩法环节上花的心思有点少(毕竟游戏是拿来玩的),而且做游戏应该是做一个充满独特创意的产品(也就是这款游戏的卖点),所以没必要顶着高价首发来支持这款没什么出彩地方的作品(你说情怀无价?我QNM的情怀,十多年前的西游记释厄传和三国战记 手感比这货不知道要高到哪里去了)
Posted 23 December, 2016. Last edited 23 December, 2016.
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204 people found this review helpful
14 people found this review funny
5.1 hrs on record
这款游戏在国内某破解论坛上回复数将近4000(回复后可下载附件),而steam上全球评论数才不过1000出头(您的语言226),—— 截止至12月17日
再说当年仙剑、剑侠情缘、大富翁什么的即使不卖情怀不炒作,也一样很畅销呀,有(品)质自然就会有(销)量的啦 :)
Posted 16 December, 2016. Last edited 18 December, 2016.
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71 people found this review helpful
34 people found this review funny
33.3 hrs on record (30.3 hrs at review time)
离线 6/10
在线 666/10

Posted 14 December, 2016. Last edited 23 December, 2016.
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111 people found this review helpful
17 people found this review funny
16.0 hrs on record
Posted 10 December, 2016.
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