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28.7 uur in totaal
An old tactical shooter that puts you in charge of an optionable 4-member SAS squad in the midst of WW2, running all sorts of operations that were done similarly to real life such as Sabotage, Long Range Strategic Recon and Strikes (like the famous Desert LRSG), POW rescue etc.

Was way ahead of its time, with decent stealth mechanics, but more importantly smart enemy AI and actual useful teammates. It can be quite challanging at times, but it adds to the overall experience.
Geplaatst 29 juli.
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213.6 uur in totaal (125.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst 27 november 2022.
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626.8 uur in totaal (411.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Why yes, I have wasted 411 hours of my life simply in the EDEN editor.

Was it worth it? Idk

Was it fun? Maybe

Would I do it again? D E F I N I T E L Y
Geplaatst 22 april 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 22 april 2022.
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3.0 uur in totaal
Chess... but it's brutal. Brutal chess, yeah just go with that.

(With extra mechanics to spice up the OG chess formula)
Geplaatst 4 oktober 2021.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
31.2 uur in totaal (29.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
An arcade action flight simulator, with an amazing story, epic music, with characters and story telling that give life and immersion to the game's lore.... sounds familiar right? Fluid controls, beautiful visuals, and too many damn missiles ( Wouldn't have it any other way to be honest...)

i.e Project Wingman is the Indie cousin of the Ace Combat series that started out in development back in 2015. With its own nice little quirks (such as unlimited flares, or 4 weapon slots) and amazing graphics rendered in Unreal Engine 4 (similar to Ace Combat 7... however both are very distinct in their visual styles and interface), it really gives off both Indie and Triple A game quality vibes.

The music was created by the as-always masterful Jose Pavli, who even if some of the music from the game does not feel very distinct, it never feels out of place. BUT, the songs that do stand out (such as the ever-beloved "Kings" or "Showdown") tend to give out a hair-raising performance.

The addition of a rogue-like Conquest mode really adds in to the amount of replay-ability of the game, especially if you're really into the arcade flight game genre. Both it and the Story mode's difficulty settings can increase the challenge provided exponentially. (Dare I say that this game actually provides more of a challenge compared to the Ace Combat series, this is definitely true with the higher difficulty settings and higher enemy count).

All in all this is a rock-solid game, definitely worth its money's worth.
Geplaatst 7 september 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 7 september 2021.
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7.8 uur in totaal
10/10 would get depressed with existential horror again.
Geplaatst 25 augustus 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 25 augustus 2021.
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14.6 uur in totaal
80's References, quad-barrel sawed-off shotgun with explosive shells, plasma guns, mutant lizards that shoot lasers, cyborg protagonist, synth-wave and 4th wall humor... what more can you ask?

The ultimate 80's cyberpunk action experience.
Geplaatst 15 juni 2021.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
0.0 uur in totaal
Finally, the epic showdown between who is better, Gyro or Doner Kebab (with a new sudden challenger: Meshana Skara)
This was a Country set expansion done by an external team hired by Paradox, so they can utilize their own resources into making the next big-up-and-coming expansion packs, therefore Shut your godd*mn mouths you stupid POGs, this is isn't the rework on the Soviet or Italian Focus trees that most people have been crying about (at least they do have their own unique focus trees instead of the generic ones ffs, furthermore they are literally the next thing Paradox are working on).

I think this was a pretty good choice, considering we get new focuses for some countries that actually are in unique position and have their own nice little play-styles. Might not have the world-conquering capabilities or ambitions of any of the Major Belligerents, but still, more variety into the mix is always welcome. I was looking forward to the Greek and Bulgarian Focus trees for a while now, since they also played a part in WW2, and didn't get any official attention from Paradox previously (previous to this expansion, only through modding were these three countries fun playing). Even Turkey, who was neutral in real life, can have a role to play now in the game, and not just simply exist in literally the middle of a war torn world, casually cooking Shish Kebab. (Switzerland also casually eating Fondue since 1847 :p)

I mean, Paradox has made a lot of Focus trees for a great majority of the European Countries (even China got reworked), there is so much variety into the mix, and more fun, naturally the next rework are going to be the Italians and the USSR. So just a bit of patience and understanding this one time isn't going to hurt you, yet. :p
Geplaatst 15 oktober 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 15 oktober 2020.
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0.8 uur in totaal
Turn-based Puzzle'd Harem...with Demon Girls straight from Hell

If you can't tell this is a puzzle game. Quite short, but nevertheless entertaining as all hell. (pun may or may not had been intended) You, being the Helltaker, must traverse through the depths of hell, beating puzzles and recruiting cute demon girls into your harem, whilst trying not to die by lack of will or by being murdered by said girls at the same time. All this...for free! It is quite the time-killer, and a lot of fun.

Just see for yourself, it's literally 50MB (^_^)
Geplaatst 3 oktober 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 26 november 2020.
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270.6 uur in totaal (104.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
"I told mama we'd see Elephants, Tigers, Panthers.... she thought I was visiting Moscow zoo."

"No, I'm not praising German technical superiority, I'm stating the f*****g obvious!"

Heavy Panzer is under infantry attack! WHY AM I SHOUTING THIS?!?

Industrialization, that's how we're still in this war...and my balls, my big balls.

The Red Army knows how to take care of its friends.
Geplaatst 30 juni 2019.
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1-10 van 17 items weergegeven