Daniel   New Zealand
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Why would you not let me have two item showcases steam :|
Workshop Showcase
Just like Kevin Spacey in the classic children's movie, Se7en, this carefully-wrapped gift will leave you violently asking "What's in the box?" in no time! -Team-colored; paint-compatible ribbon -Jiggle-BONED lid -Highly suggestive
3,061 ratings
Status - Pending, Created by - DeRosaJ and void~
Orange 8 Jan, 2022 @ 2:02am 
Dab come back pls, we miss your snarky banter
Yarr! goosmurf 15 Oct, 2016 @ 9:40pm 
3:39 PM - Yarr! goosmurf: so farking windyh here
3:39 PM - Yarr! goosmurf: there's like wind blowing up the base of my tent !
3:39 PM - Dabombber: the wind is in tents you say?
Yarr! goosmurf 8 May, 2016 @ 5:49am 
10:48 PM - Dabombber: tf2 is like that ugly old lady who wears too much makeup
Yarr! goosmurf 30 Dec, 2015 @ 5:08pm 
You need to add this to your backwards repertoire https://gfycat.com/ThisNecessaryGoldenmantledgroundsquirrel