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31.5 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Played this a few years back, sunk in a few hours and it was genuinely fun - it really did feel like survival. Almost reached the third safe house. However, woke up the next day to find my save game had been corrupted. Looked it up online, found there was no easy fix. Ended up uninstalling out of frustration...

Fast forward to July 7th, 2023. Now I recommend this game easily, decided to give the game another shot. Started a new save and it was a blast. Got a friend in for some coop and it was a totally enjoyable experience. We even bought two DLCs, "Alpine Unrest" and "Fenix Rising". Playing coop and destroying robots together doesn't feel too challenging even on the hardest difficulty. It only gets tougher when you encounter multiple tank robots later in the game.

I believe playing solo would still be fun, but the game truly shines when played with others. It becomes much easier to handle groups of robots together. As for the story, it felt a bit superficial to me, didn't feel like it was all that important. Human NPCs were believable enough, but they weren't compelling as they spent all their time in one location, not really engaging in any fights while they send you out all the time.

The crafting UI can feel a bit tedious and complicated sometimes, but that's a minor gripe when compared to the satisfaction you get from the game after destroying robots.

I am still finishing this game and posting my game play here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLigkiXdqg1aIO_SEW4h8Hlv7mOnvYBLZ9

2023-08-05 00:02:26 - finished main story, it felt very dull, but game loop itself is fun, specially in COOP.
Posted 5 June, 2021. Last edited 4 August, 2023.
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23.2 hrs on record
Controls are annoying, feels annoying to tap butonns and way developers make me interact feels un intuitive to PC controls.
Un skippable cutscenes make replaying a pain.
Those are two main annoying parts.
Graphics are high quality and very impressive, motion cap impressive as well. Lots of details and it makes game very immersive. Multiple choice affecting story is main selling point of the game and its worth its money IMO.

I would replay few more times if not the unskippable scenes. Also credits for extras stuff is just annoying, having to buy each item seperately feels like a was of time due to questionably UX/UI design choice.

Overall I enjoyed this game very much, could be closer to perfection if not above flaws.
Posted 30 May, 2021.
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16.0 hrs on record
Interesting story. Characters are intriguing. But it all comes down to not matter what you choose in the end its same ending, makes it all very disappointing. I hope that there will multiple endings...
Posted 6 December, 2020.
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148.1 hrs on record (125.4 hrs at review time)
stress, lot of stress.
love this game.
Posted 26 November, 2020.
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141.3 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Played one round, feels way too easy and feels like I played against bots. But I had fun and seems like there are lot of pay to win elements. Will play more and decide later. I like WW2 setting so its interesting over all.
Really enjoy game so far. A lot if depth in gameplay mechanics, I love the fact there are multiple of diffrents soldier builds available.
Im not sure yet if grinding is bad or good. Seems like overwhelming at the start and with so much options to spent credits on is an easy way to go "wrong" way. It is wise to watch few guides before spending on weapons or mods.
Posted 2 October, 2020. Last edited 3 October, 2020.
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40.5 hrs on record (40.1 hrs at review time)
At first game seems too slow, but once you get hit real hard at the beginning it should hook you. I enjoyed the challenge of surviving constant troubles game throws at you. Also enjoyed tactical battles and trying to perform them perfectly. Really nice atmosphere and dark humor and style in my opinion, enjoyed it. Thank you for creating this gem.
Posted 21 September, 2020.
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691.9 hrs on record (90.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great follow up for and epic warband series, personally I enjoy this game. More over I enjoy TaleWorlds dedication to improving the game with their frequent patches.
Game is very complex and provide huge variety of playthroughs.
Posted 13 April, 2020. Last edited 30 September, 2020.
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4.3 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
From fan of uplink...
First impressions:
That it uses real nix commands. Similiraty to Uplink.
Don't like:
There is no time dimension, its just seems script based action. In uplink there was date and time, Here everything happens just after you "reply" to mail or hack something, at least how i felt from first hour of plaiying it.
Posted 30 January, 2016.
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