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Big thanks to Team Jade for an amazing time playing the campaign mode with my friend! We completed the first 3 missions and had a blast. While not perfect, there were some truly great moments, especially in the third market mission. Really enjoyed navigating through the market environment. The ammo and medkit scarcity added a great challenge to the experience.

Some aspects could use polishing - the AI occasionally cheats through doors and sometimes spawns right in front of you. But overall, it's been an excellent PvE experience so far. Feels like a real throwback to good old Delta Force. And all of this for free! Really enjoying the journey and can't wait to continue playing tomorrow.
Опубликовано 23 февраля.
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110.7 ч. всего (108.4 ч. в момент написания)
Game is good, I play it and enjoy it so far. Kernel level anti cheat is not an issue for me. Will leave bigger review later on. Also purchased season pass, because I really enjoy the game so far.

Update 22.02.2025:

Big thanks to Team Jade for an amazing time playing the campaign mode with my friend! We completed the first 3 missions and had a blast. While not perfect, there were some truly great moments, especially in the third market mission. Really enjoyed navigating through the market environment. The ammo and medkit scarcity added a great challenge to the experience.

Some aspects could use polishing - the AI occasionally cheats through doors and sometimes spawns right in front of you. But overall, it's been an excellent PvE experience so far. Feels like a real throwback to good old Delta Force. And all of this for free! Really enjoying the journey and can't wait to continue playing tomorrow.

FYI updating my experience of this game here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLigkiXdqg1aKiT1CHCbT5q4ZcFzEFWT6d
Опубликовано 9 декабря 2024 г.. Отредактировано 22 февраля.
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15.0 ч. всего
played two days, lots of bugs, lots of great experiences, huge potential, already many mods. Stopped to play for because there are ram leaks and A life is not really working. Will come back because game is so fun, I could even play it in that state and have fun, but I prefer to get a better experience before proceeding. So good luck Dev's, will come back later.

Pre ordered this game with physical collector's edition.
Опубликовано 24 ноября 2024 г..
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96.0 ч. всего
A Magnificent 96-Hour Journey Through Mordor

Main Game + Both DLCs = Epic Adventure

After spending 96 hours in Middle-earth: Shadow of War, I can confidently say this game is a masterpiece that keeps on giving. The nemesis system remains the crown jewel of the experience, creating unique stories and rivalries that make each playthrough special.

What Makes It Great:
  • Combat versatility is outstanding - customize your fighting style with different weapons, armor sets, and approaches
  • The nemesis system continues to be revolutionary, creating memorable encounters and personal stories
  • Desolation of Mordor DLC stands out with its permadeath mechanic, raising the stakes and providing a truly challenging experience
  • Stunning visuals and atmospheric environments that bring Middle-earth to life

Room for Improvement:
  • Unskippable captain cutscenes become tedious after the 100th viewing
  • Collectible notes force audio playback without text display - would be better to have both options available

Visual Highlights:
The game provides countless screenshot-worthy moments. Here are a few I captured:

Magnificent Overlord's Stronghold
Epic Boss Encounter
Nature's Guardian

Final Verdict:
Despite minor inconveniences, Shadow of War delivers an exceptional gaming experience that kept me engaged for nearly 100 hours. The combination of strategic fortress assaults, dynamic nemesis encounters, and robust combat mechanics creates an unforgettable adventure in Middle-earth.

Highly recommended for anyone seeking a quality action-RPG with unique gameplay systems.

For those interested in seeing the full journey, I've documented my entire playthrough across 23 streams on YouTube:
Complete Shadow of War Playthrough
Опубликовано 16 ноября 2024 г..
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27.8 ч. всего
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - My Experience

An open-world game where you play as a unique character—a split between a ghost and a living "Black Hand" ranger who was stationed to protect his post from Orcs. The game features two main open-world areas with distinctive game mechanics and an incredibly fun combat system. While the main game isn't very long (27 hours to finish the main quest and all other content, excluding DLCs), it's extremely enjoyable, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes combat where you can choose how to approach each situation.

What I Loved
  • The incredible detail in the orc models is mind-blowing! Here's just one example: Screenshot
  • The Nemesis system is incredibly fun to interact with, whether you're killing or branding orcs
  • Combat mechanics have great depth with multiple approaches—from physical sword fighting to wraith attacks, bow combat, and dagger skills
  • Environmental interaction adds another great layer to combat
  • Scattered items throughout the world have interesting lore to read and listen to

A Few Drawbacks
  • The main quest doesn't offer choices and isn't particularly engaging
  • Human character models felt less polished compared to orcs, though still decent for a 2014 game
  • By late-game in Nurn, you become so powerful that it can feel repetitive

My Playstyle
From the start, I fell in love with the game and approached it like other open-world games I enjoy—discovering every inch of the map before progressing the main story. The open-world conquest was the real "main dish" for me. You can check out my complete playthrough on my YouTube channel: Playlist Link

I wish there was a way to make the main game more challenging through a special game mode, as the power curve can make it too easy later on.

Despite some minor issues, the game's beautiful art, incredible orc details, and engaging combat mechanics make it a fantastic experience. While I don't have the willpower for DLCs due to late-game repetition, the base game alone is absolutely worth playing.
Опубликовано 27 октября 2024 г.. Отредактировано 27 октября 2024 г..
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13.3 ч. всего
I didn't have patience to play it fair so i hacked the game with CE, but the art and knowledge of it hold is fun to read view and interact with. It reminds a little bit of spore, although its very different game.
So its a fun tapper gamer that evolves in to min maxer idler kind of a game with lot of enjoyable knowledge being thrown at play as you uncover different evolution branches.
Опубликовано 21 октября 2024 г..
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38.7 ч. всего
Great Story!

Finished on Grounded difficulty in under 40 hours, and it was a tough challenge, yet a rewarding one. The graphics are still great, even today. I had no technical issues during my playthrough, and I enjoyed the gameplay very much.

However, I wished there were more stealth options. At times, it felt like I was pushed into combat by the developers when I would have preferred more opportunities for stealth.

The AI was tough and pushed me to think and aim fast, especially in the Left Behind DLC. The atmosphere was incredibly immersive, with dead people's notes, photos, memories, and even the corpses of families telling stories of those who lost everything years ago.

Grounded difficulty kept me focused throughout, and I loved that.

Tip: For those playing on Grounded, always keep a full shiv for locked rooms—don’t waste it on Clickers. Instead, use bricks or bottles on Clickers and follow up with melee attacks.

Although I don't feel the urge to replay it, there are definitely many options for those who enjoy New Game+ and the various modifiers available. It’s not my thing, but I did notice the variety.

Great game, as already said—highly recommend! 10/10.

You can watch my gameplay experience in this playlist: My Gameplay Playlist
Опубликовано 22 сентября 2024 г..
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168.8 ч. всего (140.2 ч. в момент написания)
An Odyssey Worth Every Minute Indeed!

At the time of writing, I have clocked over 140 hours in "Assassin’s Creed Odyssey." I have completed the "Legacy of the First Blade" DLC and visited the beautiful Korfu Island. While I have not started "The Fate of Atlantis" DLC yet, my virtual journey through ancient Greece has been nothing short of spectacular. For a passionate fan of antiquity, this game has everything and more.

Follow my adventure on YouTube and see for yourself; join me for Atlantis at a later date!

Customization and Combat
Making my character truly 'mine' is equally important; keeping the looks while enjoying the added bonus from my equipment is a stroke of genius. It really makes a player consider their playstyle and has added a touch of strategy to the gameplay design. The only complaint I have in comparison to "Origins" is the looting; there is no auto-loot unless you make stealth kills, which is mildly annoying.

Challenge and Gameplay
While playing on Nightmare difficulty, I did not have much of a challenge; the game was a difficult yet manageable balancing act – literally all the way to the endgame. Thanks to the level scaling system, I never felt overpowered or overwhelmed, making the game accessible and challenging. Sometimes, the game’s combat scenarios felt a little off, especially the 2v1 scenarios and the 'animal bosses.' While there were some great moments, it did lack a bit of authenticity, which was a bit disappointing.

Graphics and Design
I want to take a minute to appreciate the graphic design and artistic team for bringing this incredible vision of Ancient Greece to life; these visuals are simply stunning, and I cannot wait to return to the next installment if the quality continues to improve like this.

Final Thoughts
"Assassin's Creed Odyssey" is a massive RPG that leans heavily on its parkour history. Crafting various builds is also great since many YouTubers already offered different unique ways to play. I posted some screenshots on my Steam feed to give you a better idea of the beautiful moments. Overall, it is a lengthy game but worth it. Keep in mind it is not really parkour-focused like the previous ones. It is very much a strategic game you play, but both are entertaining. Hence you will have a blast strategizing these events, even better than Skyrim.

I would definitely recommend it, if you are a fan of RPGs and enjoy historical settings. This game is winding down now, but the journey was worth it!
Опубликовано 6 мая 2024 г.. Отредактировано 6 мая 2024 г..
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5.7 ч. всего
Initial Impressions of Dying Light 2
Unfortunately during this free weekend I was not impressed at all with dying light 2, I played it together with my friend at same time, he shared his screen for first mission until we unlocked COOP and then we played DL2 together for a total of little more than 5 hours during two days. Since game is already released over 2 years I expected a polished product.

Specific Issues Encountered
Bugs and Glitches: but we both encountered many bugs that gave an impression of far from polished product, You could judge my experience yourself in this two recordings - . I will give an example of bug that I encountered during streaming that game - https://www.youtube.com/live/yDC1qT4Zt4o?si=pmh7x2KlwoV2VAor&t=7434 here my friend drop flower for me on floor, we both see flower but I can't pick it up... Zombies appear and disappear randomly - https://www.youtube.com/live/yDC1qT4Zt4o?si=KH9BjuJCZtl5pjDy&t=8401 COOP member disconnects from friendly party randomly - https://www.youtube.com/live/9lkhlL2Hrb0?si=cC4kouu9ccLv3VQi&t=6715, happened at least twice during game
Gameplay Mechanics: Feature that makes game too easy, - ability to Xray Items - https://www.youtube.com/live/9lkhlL2Hrb0?si=Y73KTleWRyPtVjgN&t=1882, I could understand ability to sense other living beings maybe because u are part zombie but dead items like bags under the roof like in example i linked above, seems making game way too easy.

Animations and COOP Integration
Weird Body Animations: Weird body animations - https://www.youtube.com/live/9lkhlL2Hrb0?si=sfvUICl6eAjjbFZJ&t=441 like here u see zombie is changing positions all of a sudden after i hit him, and other zombie a second later that was fighting my buddy started shaking like crazy...
COOP Limitations: Except bugs, choice to block COOP only after prologue an first mission... Personally why not let me go thru the game together, that could be so much cooler, instead we just played at same time other friend shared his screen and just played hour and something separately.

UI Intrusiveness
Another thing that annoyed a lot, lot of times challenging were popping like "Slaughter" it was in mid of screen and after 3-5 times I already got the idea, it started to annoy me while traversing the city.

What I Loved About the Game
City looks huge and beautiful! - cool looking zombies and locations - https://www.youtube.com/live/9lkhlL2Hrb0?si=wT_wNt1qWW_Bf77S&t=6533 here u can see huge zombie around destroyed tank. Impact animations when fighting - https://www.youtube.com/live/9lkhlL2Hrb0?si=klKGYCjttm_EYDKN&t=6583 in this example I knock zombie of a roof using a spear

Conclusion and Final Thoughts
I love Dying light 1st game, played it over 70 hours and enjoyed it greatly, so in general I was very hyped from all the years of marketing material released for this game, from the legacy of first game that I enjoyed so much so coming to this not fully polished game made me getting disappointed and not willing to commit tripple AAA price or even 50% discounted price. For me this game will be revisited maybe in some distant future, but sadly i did not meet a worthy dying light successor here, I feared that would happen from other people reviews...
Опубликовано 25 февраля 2024 г.. Отредактировано 25 февраля 2024 г..
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11.5 ч. всего
Immersive Artistry in 'The Invisible': A Cinematic Gaming Experience

The world of interactive movie games just got a breathtaking addition with 'The Invisible'. It's not just a game; it's an immersive quest, a journey through beautifully crafted scenes that blur the line between gaming and art. Some decisions you make shape the narrative, while others are just part of the journey. What really sets 'The Invisible' apart are its stunning graphics and exceptional storytelling. I often found myself pausing just to soak in the beauty of the scenes, even taking pictures to capture the moment.

For a glimpse into my experience, check out my playthrough on my YouTube channel . I've also shared a collection of in-game photos that highlight the game's artistic brilliance. You can find them here: [Imgur Gallery](https://imgur.com/gallery/kU8n5Ic) and on my [Steam Screenshots](https://steamproxy.net/id/d3so1ator/screenshots/?appid=731040).

The game might be short, completed in under 12 hours, but it's a masterpiece. It transports you to a 60's style sci-fi era, offering a cinematic experience that's rare in games today. Your choices carry weight, influencing the storyline in subtle but meaningful ways. It's not about winning or losing, but how you choose to navigate the narrative.

In summary, 'The Invisible' is a must-play for anyone who loves a slow-paced, story-driven interactive quest game. It's a vivid, immersive experience that feels like participating in a movie, set in a visually stunning universe.

Highly recommended for its artistry and unique storytelling approach.

There are some minor bugs I encountered, so tip to avoid them is to play on 60 FPS (set it in game options)
Опубликовано 15 января 2024 г.. Отредактировано 16 января 2024 г..
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