Cyba Cowboy
Gregory Opera   Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
I am a former circus performer and military Veteran from the Gold Coast (Queensland, Australia) that is a geek, loves animals, astronomy / space, pretty women and luxury items. I am also a film buff, and an aspiring violinist that firmly believes music is as important as the air we breathe. Lastly, I am a passionate advocate for privacy, as well as Open Formats and Open Source Software.

When it comes to gaming, I bounce between my laptop and my countless gaming consoles.

My favorite game is easily "The Last of Us" / "The Last of Us: Remastered" / "The Last of Us: Part I", with my other favorite games / franchises including:
* 0 A.D. and;
* Blade Kitten; and
* Gone Home; and
* Lollipop Chainsaw / Lollipop Chainsaw RePop; and
* Marvel's Spider-Man; and
* No Man's Sky; and
* Surviving Mars; and
* The "beach" / "volleyball" spin-off games in the "Dead or Alive" franchise; and
* The "Duke Nukem" franchise, including the infamous "Duke Nukem Forever"; and
* The "Hyperdimension Neptunia" franchise; and
* The "Red Dead" franchise; and
* The "Senran Kagura" franchise; and
* "The Legend of Zelda" franchise; and
* The "Tomb Raider" (reboot) trilogy.
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
4.5 hrs on record
last played on 23 Feb
0.2 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
0.4 hrs on record
last played on 16 Feb