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Kesseki 17 avr. 2022 à 10h04 
你好微博现在我拍电影,但是我也休息吃饭。我不可以用我的手机我们拍的时候,所以我现在拍这个因为他们给我Lao Gan Ma. 我不知道关于 Lao Gan Ma,但是中国人说这是非常好的 chilli sauce。So 现在每天我用 Lao Gan Ma 在西兰花,我用很多,很多 Lao Gan Ma。 Err,不是广告。Lao Gan Ma 跟我没有关系,但是我认为很多中国人喜欢这个。我是只越来越embrace中国文化,很多中国人说老干妈是中国文化。所以每天我吃老干妈跟西兰花。非常,非常,非常好,我很喜欢。
**** เกมควย 23 juil. 2019 à 10h22 
**** เกมควย 23 juil. 2019 à 10h22 
KURI 15 juil. 2019 à 4h30 
Shikada Kokonotsu's father owns a rural sweets shop, and his plan is for Kokonotsu to take it over one day. However, Kokonotsu wants to be a manga author instead! One day in summer, the cute but weird girl Shidare Hotaru, from the famous sweets company, comes to pay a visit. Apparently, Kokonotsu's father is famous and she wants him to join her family's company. However, he will only agree if she can convince Kokonotsu to take over the family business!
PEEPO 2 juil. 2018 à 17h44 
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PEEPO 21 déc. 2016 à 0h44 