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37.9 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Pretty nice game with a great atmosphere. Progression also doesn't feel that tedious.

But there are some bugs with the collision and physics. So far one of my rovers has been eaten by the ground. Also, one of the EXO Dynamics Research Aids was thrown halfway across the planet when I removed part of the ground to get to the cable connector.
Posted 16 February, 2024. Last edited 20 February, 2024.
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1.7 hrs on record
Very cute game. I like it. Buy it.
Posted 29 December, 2023.
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4.6 hrs on record
"The Gunk" is not a bad game. It has decent graphics, a good art style, and interesting gameplay mechanics (cleaning the gunk and solving some small puzzles). Sucking in the gunk is satisfying, but gets a bit tedious until you have some speed upgrades.

However, there are some negative parts that I must mention. Firstly, the game has platformer elements, but the jumping and climbing feels extremely janky. This is partly due to pretty terrible hitboxes (imo). If you hit something you are not supposed to hit, you just slide off. That is a possible solution to limit player movement but it is quite intrusive.

Furthermore, the game's story is rather bland, it may have a few good moments. But overall it's just bland. The story feels like it's only there because it has to be.

However, the worst offender, and this is just my opinion, are the characters. Not only are they as bland as the story, but Rani is one of the most annoying protagonists I've had the honor of playing. It's especially annoying when she talks while you're enjoying the scenery. This really annoyed me during the "Wasteland" part of the game. Fortunately, you can mute the voice dialog, which I did. I understand that the developers wanted to convey this as a moment of character development. But a character can grow throughout the game, not just 10–20 minutes of constant babbling. There were 4.x hours where the character had multiple opportunities to grow.

I am most likely not the target audience as this is not a shooter, not a RPG and not an open world game. But I enjoyed the game somewhat and it was long enough. One positive point, not for the game, was that I got this through humble choice. I think €25 is a bit too much, but the price during the current sale feels fine.
Posted 28 December, 2023.
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70.6 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
Pretty good game. Please don't fire the janitor.
Posted 2 October, 2023.
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38.2 hrs on record (35.2 hrs at review time)
Good game with a nice open world.

But the game has some bugs. I am going to bet that these bugs are old af and will never be fixed. Some of them are quite literally gamebreaking, others just break the world and force you to restart the game or the quest.

So, buy at your own risk. I recommend not paying full price.
Posted 10 April, 2023. Last edited 13 April, 2023.
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17.6 hrs on record
Disclaimer: I have not played Darksiders 1 & 2.

Darksiders 3 is a nice game with a decent, if somewhat annoying, combat system (for example, the lock-on is just awful and it is better to use it only in one fight (Gluttony)). Speaking of Gluttony, it's by far one of the worst fights in the game. It's just annoying and it's really no fun to fight this boss. The other bosses are okay to good.

The level design is mixed, there are some very nice levels and some levels (e.g. the tornado sections/puzzles in Scar) that are rather bad. The graphics are okay, not the most amazing graphics, but they serve their purpose. The same can be said about the story.

There are a few bugs, especially clipping issues when Fury does the fire jump in some places. But I haven't had any other bugs so far.

i recommend Darksiders 3, however, do not pay the full price. ~5€, maybe a bit more, seems to be a decent price, so buy it on sale.
Posted 20 September, 2022.
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32.6 hrs on record
I bought HZD while it was on sale. Played it for three, in reality roughly one and a half hours, before I wanted to have it refunded. Steam support declined my request, citing my three hours of playtime. So, I told myself, well, **** the poor performance and the very annoying start, maybe it gets better.

Yeah, it got better. Performance still sucked extremely, which I find rather surprising, considering that my specs are above the requirements. But the story slowly unfolded. Some side missions were rather poorly designed, but others actually were quite great. The main story also slowly got better and better, and the many small snippets of info you get by using the focus to scan your environment also helped to enrich the story.

Combat against the robots was also nice, nostalgic perhaps, as I really love the combat in Monster Hunter and this felt somewhat familiar.

However, the combat against human enemies is extremely awful. You can either turn your enemies into a porcupine or they die after one good hit, against the head. Yet, the movement of human enemies is sometimes extremely erratic, making it hard to hit them without slowing down time. Furthermore, sometimes there are simply too many enemies that just throw themselves at you. This is just annoying. And it feels like the good old moment in Skyrim when you stumble into a bandit encounter after having killed Alduin with just your fists or a wooden sword.

Pal, I killed half of the known robot population, managed to kill your friends, and you still continue to fight? If all humans had willpower like that, Operation Enduring Victory would have never ended...

I really would have loved to have some sort of mechanic that introduced some sort of surrender-flee mechanic for human enemies. I hope that the sequel has such an mechanic. Otherwise they should just remove human combat, it sucks.

Lastly, the graphics are also decent, at least one my settings. No idea how it looks on low settings. Performance, however, as I already stated, sometimes sucks. I randomly have stutters, CPU-loud goes to 100% and the game just idk uses my PC to run a focus network or whatever.

All in all, HZD is a nice game, I rarely had bugs, and with exception of the performance, most aspects are good or far above average.
Posted 15 September, 2021. Last edited 25 November, 2023.
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2,517.3 hrs on record (33.9 hrs at review time)
After 2k hours it is time to update my first review.

A very nice game with great art and audio design, plagued by terrible servers and some UI and other decisions that make me want to puke.

One question I ask myself every time I start this game is just:

Posted 5 April, 2021. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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13.2 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Game's pretty dead, but the singleplayer appears to be decent. Yet EA-Play is the only reason why I tried it out. Wouldn't buy it tbh unless its on sale.
Posted 20 March, 2021.
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63.5 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
I've put several hundred hours into some Monster Hunter games, all on PSP. At first I was very wary of a new MH. I assumed that they would screw up and bury the series. Fortunately, this did not happen. The reviews were all very positive and the few gameplay videos I watched confirmed that.

Unfortunately, as someone whose last console was a PS3, I wouldn't be able to play it. I also certainly would not buy a new console for just one game.

The delay for the PC version was quite the bummer. The price also, which is why I bought MHW in the recent summer sale. Yet, the time seemed worthwhile. As of today, the PC port is nicely done, unlike other console to PC ported games.

-Improved tracking that matches the genre of the game.
(I still remember how you could wave to the balloon to see the position of the monster. The good old days).
-Slingshot with many functions
-Fast Travel that isn't overpowered or game breaking
-Living eco-system and "open" world
-Layered Armour (although with delay)
-Good weapons and armour, somewhat grindy but that was to be expected

-The performance. It runs well on my system but it certainly is quite demanding.
-The graphics. I had not expected real-life graphics but some of the textures are very lacking. Furthermore, the overall feel is very bleak / washed out. Depth and colour seem to be missing. (ReShade fixes that somewhat)
-There are almost no lobbies. It feels more like a solo-game than multiplayer/ co-op game. That was to expected. The game is already quite old. SoS doesn't really fix anything. It only worked once for me and someone way above my rank joined, ruining the experience I had.

-Enemy attack hitboxes often are bigger than they appear. It is extremely frustating to get hit by what had been empty air...

I will update the review in the future, especially once I reach endgame/HR.
Posted 26 December, 2019. Last edited 2 January, 2020.
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