Crix Blackfox )O(
Caleb   South Carolina, United States
Blessed Be

Crix Blackfox )O( 3 grudnia 2014 o 19:03 
"The ashes of battle and the bodies of my enemies litter the fields that I, Crix Blackfox used to farm; and instead of seas on Kalee, it's the blood of the Huk that water the grounds that we all stood!"
Crix Blackfox )O( 11 listopada 2014 o 16:43 
The Sith Code,

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
Crix Blackfox )O( 24 października 2014 o 21:04 
Name: Crix Blackfox
Gender: Male
Race: Kaleesh
Age: 20
Home Planet: Kalee
Position: Assassin/ Ground Trooper
Advantages: personality and blaster/blade skill
Disadvantage: Loyalty torn apart by Sith and love for Aayla Secura, not force sensitive
Personality: confident, calm, charming, cunning, loyal
Gear: Krath War Droid, Kaleesh war mask, Czerka Arms Outland rifle, a Lig sword, and a Shoni spear.
Story: During the time of the Old Republic, the Kaleesh were known slaves of the Sith Empire and were occasionally trained when seen to have Force abilities. Crix was different because he was trained brutally by General Grievous. Later Crix became a spy for the Sith Empire to gather the Jedi holocrons. Crix later met a young, and aspiring Twi'lek named Aayla Secura. Months passed and Crix had a choice; either finish the mission or stay with the woman he loves, Crix then requested that a clone be made for him except in the form of a Mandalorian.