:pandastunned:   Washington, United States
Arch is my daily driver, btw.
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Fr🅾sty 17 mar, 2023 @ 23:07 
The scientifically and medically correct nomenclature is transgender man or transgender woman/ cisgender man or cisgender woman.

The term "biological woman" is intentionally designed to subconsciously trick people towards thinking that transgender women are not women. Transgender women are women. Transgender men are men. Non-binary people are non-binary.

As you all know, this subreddit takes a hardline stance against bigotry and by doing so an equally hardline stance on inclusivity.

I would respectfully request that our userbase shows courtesy towards our gender and sexual minority participants by refraining from using the above mentioned problematic terms and instead refer to people as either trans or cis, whichever is applicable and appropriate in the argument you are making.

Thank you.
󠁳⁧⁧SwannyDabs 15 okt, 2022 @ 8:05 
sudo from the %wheel ones
JewJewBinks 14 aug, 2022 @ 8:49 
did you just call linux an OS..? it's a heckin' KERNEL!!!!!! sisters, these proprietarychuds keep using the wrong nouns...
JewJewBinks 2 jun, 2022 @ 5:14 
Yall people be in the comments like chicken nuggets when you need to walk your dog cus your house on fire cus your lawn hasnt been mown and you giraffe grew too short because sister left the restaraunt to go get some chicken nuggets when you went to walk your cat because your dog on fire because you poored cool water on the ice.
Fr🅾sty 31 maj, 2022 @ 19:21 
Only the real relate💯 lmao old Gucci is legendary ♥♥♥♥🔥🔥 too many bangers
Fr🅾sty 26 maj, 2022 @ 18:11 
A few months ago, At an Organic Food market, I made the mistake of asking the cute cash register girl for her number. She rejected me, so I simply moved on. But now every time I go to that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ store now and she's on shift, She gets ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nervous and her fat roastie coworker stands in front of her register staring me dead in the eye with her hands on her hips to "cockblock" from the aisle like I'm trying to rape her or something even though I haven't said a word to that ♥♥♥♥♥ since she rejected me. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Do it really be like this? I'm thinking about calling her manager and complaining about unprovoked harassment and doing whatever I can to get these ♥♥♥♥♥ fired.